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Everything posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. Keep it up Artie and you’ll have to make a new account called Fartie Asshole
  2. I remember him saying that too. Maybe they did it here due to the weather.
  3. I could have gotten a bottle of Weller special reserve for $10 less. Should I go for that next time?
  4. Liked for The Last of Us. Probably the best game I have every played. Also The Last of Us Two is coming out soon and will be unbelievable. Also heads up to COD fans MW2 is backwards compatible on XBONE. It's the best cod of all time not even close.
  5. Please, I can only get so erect.
  6. Watch Seven Psychopaths. Same director that did Three Billboards and In Bruges. But, Seven Psychopaths is my favorite movie of all time. Best dialogue of any movie I've ever seen.
  7. Diablo Burger from Fred's is my hands down number 1. Also do yourself a favor and get a Herd burger in Jacksboro. Actually get two and eat the other one for lunch the next day. Best reheated burger on Earth.
  8. Went looking for a bottle of Weller 12. Came home with this. How do Y'all like Blade and Bow?
  9. So what does Tom say to the team about this? "Look guys, I was a coordinator, Urban made me go to make sure Zach didn't beat the shit out of a stripper. I'm just happy to be out of that cesspool that is Ohio State. Let's go kick the shit out of Maryland." Seems right to me. Who gives a shit?
  10. Pro tip- If the name on the back of the jersey makes less money than you, don't wear it.
  11. Feels like an All American season for Gary.
  12. The hardest schedule in the nation and a coach who doesn't have to try to get paid. WCGW?
  13. Also Charlie Strong isn't our head coach anymore.
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