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Everything posted by PatSolitanojr

  1. Thanks for this just snagged a pair.
  2. Pretty disappointed in the amount of Texas fans in attendance this year. I get that we've been there 38 times but, man, it's brutal when you are outnumbered x3 in the stands.
  3. Mike Rooney clearly has his head screwed on strait.
  4. Pretty sure I booked the last Airbnb in Omaha last night. We were looking at the only two left and one booked while we were looking but we got the last one. Headed to Omaha!
  5. Did not plan on staying up this late or drinking this much on a Sunday yet here we are.
  6. Bro texassports.com listen live then Bluetooth it and mute the shit out of your TV.
  7. So happy listening to Craig instead of these slapdick announcers. Turns out you old basterds were right again.
  8. We were always going to have a bottom of the 9th dumbass reporter
  9. Thank you ztejas that is good
  10. The fuck is trey doing watching that on a hit and run
  12. Setting up pretty nicely for a heartbreaking ECU loss. The announcers will really hate to see it.
  13. No one cares but I don't believe this at all. NIL is about paying players to play football for your school when they would have gone elsewhere.
  14. I knew it was Austin. Didn't know he was from Manor. Makes much more sense now.
  15. Not sure how long that has been his bio. Pretty sure 512 isn't a Nebraska area code...
  16. Any Left tackles from Rice looking to grad transfer this year?
  17. Where is CTJ and what did you do with him?
  18. Yeah dude, John Harris and Jaxon Shipley would like a word
  19. The first game I sat down and watched was UCLA. Then I tune in today to see us hopefully get revenge. I'm out boys. I hope they get their shit together.
  20. I hate tech so much it's unreal
  21. Is it asking too much to want our starting QB to have played QB in high school?
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