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Burnt Ends
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sidis last won the day on July 12 2022

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  1. for the first time in fucking forever, i listen to this pompous and pretentious twat speak last night in that section about the derangement discussion and, in his defense,he was roasting the fucked up cult mentality consuming the "republican party" and that was one of those "okay, if we can admit there is a little bit of trump derangement amongst the left, can you guys admit that it is a two way street and you guys have completely lost your fucking minds in your cultish and religious adherence to this dipshit?" i cannot believe this self-important wannabe provocateur is still on tv. but then again, donald trump is apparently the president.
  2. can't wait to post my reaction videos to the fact that i live in the united states which is apparently on earth. fucking idiots.
  3. your vacations suck apparently.
  4. hmmm, not seeing an annabelle chairlegs show at the nuge's backyard stage on there anywhere. clearly an oversight.
  5. i can't fucking believe that the best post on a thread with more than 50 posts on it was from fucking futureman. though props to henryjames for imo'ing it and making me laugh.
  6. dude. it was an incredibly lame post. and it completely decimated any horseshit facade/lie you were still trying to maintain about not being animaltobacco.
  7. there are cringey posts regularly made on this site daily but this one deserves some special recognition as one of the more texags-y posts not invoking fascist shit i have seen. god damn dude.
  8. Pasta Bar Jeffreys Comedor Barley Swine Luties (if your wife is white) Uchiko cocktails before or after at Prelude.
  9. it's like mike white does nothing but hang out with all the white women that live within 3 miles of my house.
  10. Great series win and a great sign re: mental toughness bouncing back from the friday night ass beating to take it. hook'em.
  11. the various preceding rankings are amusing given that the top and bottom pix are the same woman. thylane blondeau. here's the best she ever looked imo. but they did some makeup/editing magic to her tits to make them look bigger than they are. go horns. let's kick miss state in the fucking teeth to get this thing started.
  12. i suspect it is more about dimon being just another public personality with no accountability for anything he says or does and shamelessly heel turning when it starts to impact him. recall that this was him in january of this year: https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/22/economy/jamie-dimon-tariffs-get-over-it/index.html
  13. as if receipts matter. the vice fucking president of the united states was recorded saying that the president of the united states was an "idiot," "reprehensible," and "america's hitler." we are through the looking glass on any of that. if you have no shame and you have no ethical foundation, nothing matters.
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