100% agree with brickhorn and the actual underlying thinking from the ussc on this one. unlike his asinine opinions related to prince's abilities as a guitarist, he nailed this one imo. accepting the premise that higher education has become obscenely discriminatory and punitive over the last three decades, it is undoubtedly a serious crisis. however...
the arbitrary and unilateral movement here is just so material and has legitimate objectors with compelling cases. this is one that is not black and white in terms of "doing the right thing" when viewed objectively. of course people burdened by student loans are feeling crushed by interest rates. but so were the people before them and the people after them. the person that paid their $100K loan off fully after 20 years and it just happened to be in 2019 has a legitimate inequity gripe...had the person simply repudiated the loan contract instead of performing, they would have been released from the obligation randomly because the president felt like it. moreover, after having paid their's off, now they are, as a taxpayer, contributing to paying someone else's off. people arguing that someone was uniquely impacted by the covid economy were also granted a very long interest holiday.
i don't raise these arguments to advocate for one side or another...just to point out that there is a bit of antagonism and inequity in the application of a unilateral movement by a single person's desire with half a trilion dollars of impact. the materiality and significance to the overall nation and its economy rise to the level of needing to be decided and instituted by legislative process. the issue should become engaged by society and a centerpiece of voting. make it a question for the primaries and the elections. congressman, where do you stand on a specific package of student debt relief. that way, the people have a voice in it and advocates on both sides of the argument can vote with their feet. giving the power to the president to just wake up one day and say meh, let's spend half a trillion dollars today that benefits a targeted segment of the population to the detriment of others is similar to having the president be able to say hey, i woke up today and i want to invade iraq. wait...
as for the 303-elenis case, congrats to bigots everywhere! you can finally now discriminate against the people you hate so much because a greek guy wrote some stupid shit he was thinking down a couple thousand years ago. it's really time for alito, thomas, and gorsuch to make a trip to big bend. they are genuinely such terrible, terrible fucking scumbags whose hypocrisy knows no bounds and whose shame is nonexistent.