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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by sidis

  1. just ran through it twice. betraying my ballad nature here but upon first listens, i really enjoyed "strawberry woman" and "miles" the most. guitar on "this ain't it" really sounds like allman. lots of heavy shit...
  2. What the shit is that?
  3. dw pewter sparkle grabbed me a lot. love the yamaha honey amber. also love the dw white marine finish.
  4. jimi used a fuzz face for foxy lady. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/FuzzFace--dunlop-jdf2-classic-fuzz-face-pedal despite a few people around here's disdain for electroharmonix, i am a big fan of the new big muffs.
  5. sidis

    RIP George Winston

    F cancer. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/george-winston-dead-obituary-1234764944/ incredible pianist. the album december has been a part of my holiday routine since i was 5 years old and will remain so for every year to follow. it, and many other of his albums, are the ultimate in solo musical instrument albums.
  6. cool man, good luck with the journey. you are actually taking the necessary steps to truly get better unlike most people.
  7. @Handcruser, I’m going to PM you but if you still have the custom dark ride and the crash, I would take them. Do you have any hi hat cymbals?
  8. last big drama moment i can remember related to this was the whole blue jays and rangers thing.
  9. 50 runs by TCU in three games against pigs is nuts.
  10. even though it wasn't out of stock when i ordered, the dw set is backordered from both dcp and sweetwater. waiting to hear on timing.
  11. yeah, i grabbed this. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DWCP9999--dw-dwcp9999-9000-series-heavy-duty-tom-and-cymbal-stand
  12. it's a long sentence...i pride myself on writing like james joyce. i'll break it down for you. telling someone else to get out of their "comfort zone" when you... spend $1,500 a month for sugar doused fried chicken on butter doused white bread fast food...the very definition of "comfort" food; you keep doing the same thing (that honestly is a bit pathetic) over and over and over despite being routinely rejected and refuse to grow out of posting in bad faith, if not downright trollishly, and acting like a martyr because everyone knows it; it will never not be amusing that you try desperately to project your posting style as the lifelong learner but gave no critical thought to simply copypasting bard to bolster the notion that musk has gained a fortune on tesla stock since taking over twitter despite that being so demonstrably and incredibly wrong. is going to warrant some sardonic mockery. to a person with any honor or humility, that should make you re-evaluate your approach and try to "grow." so contributing to your tragically misunderstood victimized state, can you summarize what you think are your "counter-cultural" beliefs to this board other than an apparent preference to live in a christian theocracy than in the united states?
  13. this thread has become dumb but i do have to laugh at this particular quote from someone who spends $1,500 a month at chickfila and who, despite being crowdsourced an endless number of times, keeps re-upping as if having someone to plagiarize bard's hot take summaries (not cited and unlinked) of whatever they find interesting for the day and ironically passing it off as their own despite being demonstrably inverse to the conclusion being proffered is critical to the well-being of the community. this is one of those where self-awareness can go a long way in avoiding this type of hour-long, pointless, and childish shit-throwing. /newmotto
  14. in my mind, it is because real life keeley was having an incredibly hot affair with some hot dutch chick at the time her sex tape came out. and they wore lots of the lingerie i like.
  15. if you're going to anguish in your martyr role here about how no one takes you seriously in your efforts to play the aww shucks, this was just an interesting read posts, perhaps you could at least post links to your material you find so interesting. you have a real bad habit of not doing so. for instance, in this case, you could have easily linked us all to "cointelegraph" for your source of interesting information. https://cointelegraph.com/news/dogecoin-investors-accuse-elon-musk-of-insider-trading-in-amended-class-action-lawsuit
  16. God damnit.
  17. Maybe if they get this treble, Pep will peace out. he could always come to Everton if he’s feeling unchallenged.
  18. wait, was that not satire?
  19. think i am settled on a kit. i think i am going to go with this smaller, three piece shell (since i need to get good at playing a small kit). i fucking love this color. https://www.drumcenternh.com/dw-performance-3pc-rock-drum-set-22-13-16-pewter-sparkle-finishply then a 6.5 b.b. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LB417--ludwig-black-beauty-snare-drum-6.5-inch-by-14-inch then hit rip up for used zildijans (hihat, crash, and ride). possibly being stupid but will probably look cool regardless.
  20. god damn that link is fucking depressing.
  21. you sound like you make bad decisions in life.
  22. i'm chalking this page of up to posting under the influence of...something. let's bring the positive vibes back with regards to a piece of shit getting just a little bit of comeuppance.
  23. not into billy strings at all (not for lack of respect of ability) but i'm getting roped into the show on saturday for a friend's birthday at moody.
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