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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by sidis

  1. being in san siro for an inter-ac champions league semifinal would be quite something...
  2. That was the back end of the first week of Covid lockdown.
  3. Aren’t the LIV events 54 holes?
  4. cross posting this with the share my music thread since this thread gets a lot more views. as much as we all love to give @Goredho shit for buying a guitar every day, at least the dude can put them to work. here's a track i wrote that i was happy with but it lacked some soulful soloing to take it up a notch so i asked goredho to write and perform some solos on top of what i had already done. the solo in the intro and the dueling guitars solo in the second half of the chorus are him burning shit up.
  5. i posted the version of my track golden crashes in the last page. since then, because my talent for soloing guitars is lacking, i asked goredho to compose and perform some solos to enhance the track which he generously did. so here is the track with goredho's solos. the rhythm guitars and bass are composed/performed by me, the drums and pads are programmed by me, and the intro solo and the dueling guitar solos in the second half of the chorus were written and performed by goredho. dude can play...
  6. you have been driving earth movers and pile driving foundations for too many decades. it has killed your hearing. thanks guys. i was being a little hyperbolic but god damn, when i plugged it in the first time, let the tubes warm up, and fired away at 5 and 5, it was a bit uhhh, jarring. i think a 4 normal, 3 bright, and 5 on the guitar is about the right balance for a clean even tone that fills the house but doesn't get me arrested...but i've only gotten about an hour to mess around thanks to dumbass work. i'll figure it out this weekend. the klon klone through it should be interesting.
  7. so uhhh, yeah. this thing… @dcbc or @G650, any tips on playing with master vol past 1 without splitting the foundation of my house into a million pieces and shattering everyone in austin’s windows?
  8. Brooks finally missed a putt and had to settle for a birdie. 🙄 good lord dude is firing.
  9. Bard was pretty emphatic on this one guys. I’d suggest you not get off on the wrong foot with our near-term overlord.
  10. i am going to do a Bard response to some of the top unpopular opinions here to confirm their lack of popularity and just for fun... @ztejas gets some support: followed by some disagreement. @G650 less out there than i thought... holy shit...way to go @BrickHorn, getting lots of love from Bard... @tbone_ gets one of the fairly definitive and committed responses from Bard.
  11. so lampard to chelsea or what?
  12. Is it me or is it kind of surprising how packed this place is? Ludovico was awesome tonight.
  13. that may just be the least everton thing i have ever seen...
  14. Fucking love Mana.
  15. you're saying you miss the subtle humor of roman sending dick picks he meant to send to geri to his dad during a meeting?
  16. i would go $375.
  17. sidis


    #Heardle #399 🔊⬛🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
  18. Middle, classic.
  19. i just asked it some esoteric questions related to risk variables on a particular type of asset valuation that is not very sexy and not a lot of people know about... it's answer blew my fucking mind because it looked like i wrote it. it was dense while concise, covered the critical points and the potential variables that impact any conclusions, etc... freaky man. meanwhile... batting .500.
  20. Thanks, not sure what happened to the link. What I meant to link was a used one that was supposedly in mint condition (looked good in pix) for $1,300 plus a hundred bucks for shipping. Had some good pix for the speakers and wiring though which is why I asked you if you saw any red flags. But I went ahead and bought it to avoid the Beaumont drive so that is why I suspect the link doesn’t work. Will be new amp day soon! edit: @dcbc, here are the pics.
  21. Hook’em Horns!!
  22. Has any Texas team in history ever gone to the 9th with a lead and not walked the lead off hitter?
  23. what do you think, @dcbc and @G650? https://reverb.com/item/66924618-fender-59-bassman-ltd-reissue-45-watt-4x10-guitar-combo-2008-present-lacquered-tweed and let's just value me avoiding having to drive beaumont as having an FMV of approximately $1,000 today.
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