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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by sidis

  1. He’s made plenty clear, plenty of times, all he needs to motivate support.
  2. this is how i read this.
  3. no, i think it is perfectly put. it doesn't seem like it SHOULD be the case, but there is some parallel between sports performers aging out of their competitiveness in the league. it's longer but most musicians just run out of ideas and if they are as economically successful as u2 has been, you're out of good ideas because life changes. unfortunately, u2 isn't out of ideas...just out of good ideas. they need to shut it down.
  4. SOLD! just the type of response i needed to push me over the edge.
  5. i had a thought today that i really need a fender '59 bassman. i inception'd myself and i'd give myself a week before i do something dumb. what do you think of the one you got?
  6. rick has been a bit of a beating of late with some low quality stuff just pimping his shit non-stop...the sultans of swing video made me want to punch something. but this interview with vig was a harry and lloyd on their way to nebraska totally redeem yourself moment for me. great video and a down in the weeds interview. as someone still making his way up the learning curve on recording/engineering, i really enjoyed the geeking out in the first third about studio building. the deep dive on the process for nevermind was really, really enjoyable for me. i suspect that @Paul Wesley, @Goredho, @jimmyjazz, and @Chips O'Toole would enjoy it as well (though a lot may be older news to them).
  7. i've had it on my list but when i watched the trailer, i just got the sense that it was going to be super heavy on the bono pretentious stuff so it didn't grab me as a must watch immediately thing but it will get watched soon enough. love the edge and love dave. as for the u2 discussion, it's been beaten to death. i absolutely love that band and everything they did from 1980 (boy) through 1991 (achtung). there are a couple of songs from each of no line on the horizon and vertigo that i like as well. everything since then makes me want to cry cause it is horrid (to me). daniel lanois, brian eno, and i would get along really well. i was surprised (but not) to see a lot of people shitting on the edge in the unpopular opinions thread. i do not think the edge is an elite player from technical, soulful, etc... perspective but i think he was absolutely nails in sound design and layering the guitar with intention in virtually every track they made. i suppose since i love sound design and playing with harmonies to create composition more than i worry about being eric johnson...that appeals to me. i think he's great. and larry and adam were both top notch musicians on top of that. bono's voice was great for that decade and a half and certainly contributes to defining that sound...but he's moved into thom yorke territory for me in terms of i have to ignore what a precious and pretentious little twat he is and just focus on the musical past. but yeah, i will give this a watch eventually.
  8. Let’s go Horns…Hook’em!
  9. sidis

    Drive-By Truckers

    Just for you, @Al_4_ISU
  10. Hook’em Horns!
  11. hook'em horns! let's get this shit done.
  12. guess who's getting a new guitar tomorrow.....
  13. guess who's getting a new guitar today.......
  14. ludovico einaudi is doing a show at bass on 4/4 that i somehow completely fucking missed prior to today. he's one of my favorite contemporary composers. just grabbed tix.
  15. my wife and ten year old are going to one of the nrg shows. got them good seats close to the bottom of the first level. i don't see how she could possibly keep doing anywhere near 44 songs even with the breaks in between.
  16. peter gabriel presale for austin, dallas, and houston now live. links below. austin (10/18/23): https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/3A005E6D9AE515F1?did=tjkqjfwvza&mc_cid=6088236026&mc_eid=8ef01b3932 houston (10/21/23): https://tix.axs.com/AQAAAAAAAAAkIK%2bwBAAAAAB8%2fv%2f%2f%2fwD%2f%2f%2f%2f%2fB3JvY2tldHMA%2f%2f%2f%2f%2f%2f%2f%2f%2f%2f8%3d/shop/search?skin=&tags=&cpch=&cpdate=&cpcn=&cpsrc=&intoff=&cid=&utm_source=&utm_medium=&utm_campaign=&utm_term=&utm_content=&aff=&clickref=&q=09d68e8f-6e4a-4812-a342-f720c7febfdd&p=ced9ff79-929d-45f0-99e1-c090c196309f&ts=1679419203&c=axs&e=178688032&rt=Safetynet&h=80c1f0ee62c325435bf9b08f7c4c5025 dallas (10/19/23): https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0C005E6F7A471629?did=tjkqjfwvza&mc_cid=6088236026&mc_eid=8ef01b3932 also, fuck ticketmaster forever.
  17. i mean, if there's ever been a time for @bernorange to shine and performing an actual community service of keeping this dipshit troll occupied, it has arrived and that fucker is nowhere to be found.
  18. not that anyone actually gives a shit...but i am an owner in an economic consulting firm doing a significant amount of finance and i have a bfa in art history...along with a degree in economics, astronomy, and an mba...all from ut. my required five semesters of fucking foreign language for the bfa thanks you for your consideration. doing it all over again, all in on music theory. in fact, seriously thinking about registering for a few courses soon. college costs are obviously way too expensive. i also agree that colleges have invested far too much in administrative elements of running a resort instead of focus on being an academic institution. ignoring the importance to society of well-rounded educational frameworks including areas of study that you may find as inconsequential is silly and an enormous potential detriment to that society. however, assuming equivalent economic outcomes regardless of focus/area of study and ignoring the demand for certain disciplines versus others in the marketplace is also very silly. ou sucks. can't remember what other systemic problems i need to solve here.
  19. LOL, Jesus Chelsea.
  20. Thousand guys in Nashville that could be Bob Dylan’s son. that isn’t unpopular. Most people probably agree that there’s nothing particularly outstanding about the wallflowers but half of that album is highly listenable including the three tracks noted. “The Difference” also isn’t bad when hauling west on 290 between dripping and Johnson city on a nice day.
  21. more sewn together guitar phrases posing as a lead. slow going but getting better. i like the sonic texture of this one. guitar plucks, guitar lead, and bass line recorded. lots of reversals made in logic to give a lot of the pad sound and the intro to the lead. some violins and orchestral brass way down in the mix at the beginning and end to add some fun. bass pad and drums programmed. @dcbc, tube screamer on lead. recorded all these phrases before i got the centura. @Chips O'Toole, i took the below screenshot just for you so you could see the la2a in action.
  22. sidis


    Once the lyrics began, I knew the artist immediately (super recognizable) but not the track. #Heardle #380 🔇⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 https://spotify.com/heardle?r=share
  23. I listened to most of it today while working on Apple Music. I enjoyed a majority of it.
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