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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by sidis

  1. there's a lot to the get off the types of social media that allows morons to espouse their moronic opinions. it does nothing good for you. have a sense of humor about your changes and the areas your resist changes and keep in mind it is all fucking irrelevant. i really enjoyed the first season of true detective for a couple of profound moments in the show... 1) the first was the exposition of alexandra d'addario's utterly insane and perfect tits. 2) the second was the convo between woody and his father-in-law that i often use to regulate myself whenever i start becoming a cliche like most of the posters on this board. i often have to remind myself of this when i do my weekly check in on the top streamed music in the u.s. on spotify/apple. the majority of it is objectively the shittiest imaginable garbage ever conceived of...but this video keeps me a bit more even keeled about it all despite my love of great music. it's so fucking true.
  2. a little movement is starting on these but not as much as i expected. we'll see in a couple of hours.
  3. I prefer Paige federals myself but I’m a sexy bitch. reynolds sounded like he was looking for something slightly more relaxed but not old man jeans so those seem ideal.
  4. https://www.paige.com/men/normandie-straight
  5. houston and austin in a nutshell.
  6. same. i'm not dying to see bruce but if those tickets dip below $100 tomorrow, hard to pass on. if everyone likes us starts buying and driving the price back up, it won't hurt my feelings.
  7. god damnit, arsenal definitely was not the potato today.
  8. i forgot the word fade in my original message. important omission.
  9. going off the username...it seems personal.
  10. sidis

    Austin FC

    great news. hopefully he keeps up the effort.
  11. will likely go see to scratch seeing the edge live off the list. between this and going to see peter gabriel in london, i am apparently stuck in 1986-1991.
  12. milan is 5th in serie a and conte has probably coached more games at san siro than anyone on the planet. not saying it's the most likely outcome but the payout is pretty good on what i'd say is a 40/60 outcome. plus, it's all house money after leveraging my knowledge of everton's shittiness in concert with knowing how klopp is when they look like shit for a while into a huge payout betting the precise score of yesterday's merseyside.
  13. she's already signed with deutsche grammophon...she's an absolute star for those of us who follow such things. that's awesome that you got to see her at CH. here is an outrageous exposition of her talent at where i have this cued...
  14. betting psg moneyline and spurs moneyline pays +750. am i crazy to consider that? i'm feeling saucy because i nailed the 2-0 liverpool-everton score yesterday for a big payout.
  15. That chick is pregnant. She barely moved.
  16. Man, if the 76ers get to the nba finals and lose, Philly will have one of the most impressive bridesmaid years in history. Jesus. mls final, loss. World Series, loss. Super Bowl, loss
  17. What the god damn hell is going on in here? I’ll take the telecaster please.
  18. Quinn and a few other guys this year.
  19. Thank fucking Christ.
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