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Classic Rock

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Everything posted by Classic Rock

  1. I'm more impressed that they know Martin Short.
  2. Imperial March would be a no for me. Storm Troopers are notoriously bad shots, and they always lose the big battles.
  3. I can't do any kind of home maintenance or projects with out my hands looking like I have been in a fight. Skin is paper thin. I should wear gloves but.... Also, I'm turning into Clarence Beeks. I say "fucking weirdos" at least 4-5 times a week. I'll stay away from gorilla costumes.
  4. I'd like to think that there is some sailor's code dictating that when saying "Sea Dog" it must be followed with "Arrrrrrrr".
  5. Classic Rock


    I have not been able to get into this, hot daughters and wives not withstanding. My opinion, Tommy is basically Bad Santa as an oil man.
  6. Why do they call them Sea Lions? They look more like bears. They should call them Sea Bears.
  7. They have cause. It is be-cause they don't want him anymore.
  8. Championship on the line? Quarterback with a bum ankle? Seen this before:
  9. This is starting to remind me of the lead up to the 2010 Nebraska game. Corn spent a whole year plotting revenge and talking shit only to get beat by Garrett Gilbert.
  10. I would be interested to see what the driverless car does with dreaded "Right Lane closed in 1000 ft" . Does the car merge over at a proper distance from the closure, or does it speed up and drive all the way to the cones and then merge like jack-asses do.
  11. Watched Rosemary's Baby when I was 7. Not sure of my mom's thought process on letting me watch that.
  12. The Co-op used to have them. I bought some there for an old white helmet that I have.
  13. He looks like he was on a bender when they told him they needed a picture.
  14. I'm thinking its probably time for some Pol Pot style re-education camps for the MAGA Mongoloids. They want a dictator, we can give them a Dictator.
  15. Assholes that think that everyone else wants to hear the music they are playing.
  16. Maybe the homeless up there have a different diet. I watched 2 homeless guys grill up a couple of pigeons in Zilker park one day.
  17. My Grandfather kept a Fry Daddy on his back porch. I don't think he ever changed the oil. He fried oysters, fish, pork chops, and fries. Fries were always cooked at the end of what ever he was making because he said it helped clean the oil. I did see him strain the oil every so often, but I don't think he ever changed it. I called it the cooking oil equivalent of Perpetual Stew.
  18. First off, I think we would be assessed a penalty because he is wearing the wrong f'ing jersey color.
  19. It’s not illegal. It’s frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane.
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