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Everything posted by trythisathome

  1. Impala is a car, cars use gas, something something all gas no brakes
  2. Agreed, though I will say a 4.59 40 isn't overwhelmingly encouraging for a corner.
  3. While this thread is active, couple of film questions: 1. Has anyone watched any good breakdowns on what makes Quinn so special? Like obviously he immediately passes the eye test, but I'd love to watch an in-depth analysis by someone who really knows their shit. 2. Are there any expansive compilations of his junior year highlights that aren't those stupid sideline cam views? Seems like all the traditional press box film on him is from his sophomore year.
  4. I wouldn't blame Drayton too much for Herman telling Noah Cain to fuck off for no apparent reason.
  5. Assuming this is about Marion?
  6. https://www.post-gazette.com/sports/Pitt/2021/03/03/Brennan-Marion-brings-GoGo-offense-to-Pitt-football-Caylin-Newton-Pat-Narduzzi-Mark-Whipple-Howard-William-Mary-Cam-Newton/stories/202103030142 I'm starting to get a gas buzz again thinking about Sark adding GoGo packages to the offense
  7. Did TFB list any potential targets in the update?
  8. The fuck are you doing pointing that out? This thread is clearly called "Jumbo Fister circlejerk 2021"
  9. Can you get access to the bowl games from ESPN+? I was under the impression that the content on ESPN cable and ESPN+ were kept separate.
  10. This is nothing, are we forgetting that they made a whole-ass documentary for Brandon Jones only for him to sign here?
  11. I've said it 100 times, but it bears repeating again: what on earth did we do to deserve Bijan?
  12. Well that narrows things down to every recruit this cycle.
  13. Sark sees your "Lets goooooooooo #893 composite" and raises a "hold my nuts tortilla fuckers!"
  14. Exactly right. The Ewers family has run this whole process through Thamel. This is straight from the source.
  15. Still no word on whether Tech got that final in-home yet right?
  16. Wasn't there a video of Williams dunking posted somewhere back in the summer? Can't find it but if I'm remembering right that it was him, I have to think that's pretty impressive for a 360lb guy.
  17. So if they do end up getting an in-home then we melt down? Got it.
  18. Hayes always pulls this kind of shit, lies about big news to get followers and then doesn't provide anything.
  19. Have you seen her current partner? It's an interesting departure from her OL ex-boyfriend.
  20. Can't comment on how good he is nowadays necessarily, but it's worth noting that he hasn't put in 247 picks since 2014. He was at ESPN for a while and now is with IT/On3. .
  21. This fucking guy. It's like Roach reads all our criticism about him and then just strives to become a caricature of all of it. Gotta admire his dedication to being as fucking useless as possible.
  22. Though if we're getting into the weeds of Twitter likes, he did like a tweet about DMo returning a few days ago. Obviously none of this fucking matters but I can't help myself
  23. I know it's irrational, but Ewers' dad's two most recently liked tweets are giving me PTSD from when he was liking Ohio State coach tweets before he flipped last year. Someone give me a gas infusion
  24. Sorry to interrupt the CFS talk, but which one of you fuckers is the Texas Penguin? This shit had me in stitches this morning. The combination of the custom penguin emoji CB prediction, the #respectthepenguin, and the confidence that this person is pretending to have in Quinn's decision had me rolling.
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