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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Muchas gracias, Obama.
  2. I haven’t seen KKL in a while. What happened with her? Did she follow jimbo off into retirement?
  3. Haha at evil mopac pointing out that it’s not even real fireball, it’s rhe fortified wine they sell at Heb and corner stores. It’s a sooner. What would we expect? Chasing it with a 3.2 bud light?
  4. Steamboat Willie is free to use now. We could totally get a reboot robocop mashup going if kurtwood smith would just return my calls.
  5. Here’s to the pirate, may state swing their sword on aggy Saturday
  6. I’d find a way to dynamite it. On my birth certificate, for fathers occupation, it states “dynamiter”. True story.
  7. Yeah. Texas “struggled” with them at home and back then, state was THE worst team in the sec. Never mind the fact that they gambled on changing their compete offensive identity against us for that one game to try to control TOP and slow down our offense. But now that Georgia only won by a hair a home against state, they’re back to being damn near Goliath topplers.
  8. Yeah a zeppelin that Vic wants to bone
  9. *sigh*. He wins again.
  10. No. We’re probably going to drop.
  11. Multiple holds. Every fucking play.
  12. The refs are gifting them a trash time tuddy
  13. “Thankfully the flags are not being thrown”
  14. Guaranteed.
  15. lol “no penalty let’s just get this done” fuck you announcwrs
  16. Holy shit. They called one.
  17. ^^this. It makes feel like a crazy person just reading the screenshots. I can’t imagine actually reading through it all unfiltered.
  18. Let em eat
  19. So does Bert apparently
  20. Have we left, what, 28 points on the board?
  21. Too confusing. Ran blue instead.
  22. Fuck these refs
  23. To show how ready QE was for his heisman campaign
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