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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by deft

  1. Anyone else going out to Oktoberfiesta at ABW today?

    I was there yesterday wearing lederhosen because why not. I had to go to a wedding today but dropped in for one boot wearing my suit. Unfortunately that’s the way my calendar shook out. Getting weird looks both days.


    Two guys actually showed up wearing pajamas that were styled like Harry and Lloyd’s tuxes. Top hats and canes too.
  2. Yeah, you’re an idiot. 

    Well thought out retort there. I can see exactly what you’re trying to state in your counterpoint argument. All of his points were refuted so eloquently.
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  3. Frito chili pie night for the kids so I figured I’d shank this one up a bit. Had to go on a plate since no paper outside of a chinet could handle this.


    Wolf brand on one side and heb beef and beans on the other.



    Finished under the broiler but I think I coulda gone a little longer. And more of everything on it.

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