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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by deft

  1. I had the sads today after coming to a dark realization that I (and most of us here) will not live to the year 2100 when that 20XX championship trophy becomes obsolete and useless. (At that point do they print out a new date placard and replace on the trophy or use it for something else?)
    We need to make sure our kids and grandkids understand the folly, ineptness and utter embarrassment of being Aggy so that they are properly prepared to mock and ridicule them at all times.

    Well we’ll all be alive when they fire jimbo and have to pay out the rest of his contract.
  2. “Happier fans = more donations. More donations = more resources. More resources = a retirement check for Arnold Leunes”

    lol ok. Maybe pay back the academic side before you start hooting off about how your athletics department is going to make so much money for them.

    As was pitfall, asteroids, pacman, legend of Zelda, tetris, etc. Water is wet. I just read an article of some 29 year old dipshit in bumfuck Iowa making $500K a year playing fortnite for a living. 

    I’m sure there was a point you were making. I wasn’t around for asteroids and Pac-Man coming of age but I can almost guarantee you kids were staying up literally all night playing it. We’re talking about addiction level obsession with this game for a lot of kids.
  4. I think we're gonna have a 10-year celebration of a 3-way clusterfuck tie at the top of the standings.  With each team being 1-1 against the other two.  We beat OU, WVU beats us, OU beats WVU.  

    Are ou and wvu also going to pick up a non conference loss somewhere along the way?
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