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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. We all laughed at the memes but he’s actually going to retire and make aerodynamic cows. Max will ride one as an independent constructor and be ahead by 4 seconds after lap 5.
  2. Silly season is here so early.
  3. Big if true These Ramadan races are throwing me off.
  4. As long as it’s a square shaped fish
  5. Damn, we gotta start making instructional flowcharts now? My participation in this thread is usually predicated upon me being too inebriated to make something that fancy
  6. Well, she ain’t breaking a hip when she falls that’s for sure
  7. The catering budget also helps
  8. What’s your rig? I’m running an old xt8 dob with a standard manual movement dobsonian base. I bought 12x12” filter sheet and rednecked it with some cereal boxes and tape to fit over the opening of the tube. Need to try getting the chinesium cellphone to eyepiece adapter to work better tho
  9. deft


    Hand rolled works too
  10. Guys, we’ve covered this hundreds of times. You don’t got by temperature. You have to probe until it’s butter soft. Then you pull.
  11. Posrep. And gotta pick em yourself. Watch out for Rattlesnakes.
  12. It was supposed to say I wouldn’t drive from sa to tyler. Still wouldn’t but I’m just more soberer right now. Would still consider murder for that chicken Sammy tho.
  13. I’m sticking to my 750s of regular ass Elijah Craig and handles of EWBiB. It’s always on shelf, tastes good, and is well priced. I’m a simple man: I eat when I’m hungry, I drink when I drive.
  14. And the first quote: dm44time 9h ago First, no disrespect towards the University of Arkansas. This is just directed towards the author of this article. When you use the word "cult" in reference to a school's cheers, or chants as you like to call them, you undermine your credibility. Every school has certain group cheers, and traditions. Certainly the Hog Call is an example of this. Now as for inferring from rumors, that Texas A&M would want to leave the SEC due to some form of jealousy or envy of the University of Texas, again this is an old narrative that show's lack of creativity in writing, and any insight on the matter of a possible re-alignment that has Texas A&M moving to the Big 10. I am a fan of the SEC. It's a great conference. But so is the Big Ten. And if your state has more than one world class university, it would actually make more sense to have each school separated into the two big time athletic conferences. College Football is a business. In business, you want to have your product available in as many markets as possible. This is about what benefits the state of Texas. And it's about establishing connections from the state of Texas, to as many young people as possible. And having both of our world class universities distributed into each of these different areas of the country benefits the state of Texas as a whole. Reply 1
  15. But doesn’t aids do that regardless the of how regarded aggy or our posters are?
  16. I’d kill for a cadillac motherclucker. I would drive from San Antonio to Tyler but I’d kill for one.
  17. They need to fire Otmar and figure this out
  18. I just figured the lack of screenshots means that aggy stopped posting stupid shit on forums. Why are my feet so cold?
  19. They’re probably also seeing rivian and lucid going tits up. That and they’re $3500 vr set that doesn’t even do pron is now developing cracks so the market for people with loose cash may be drying up a bit on Apple…..until the next iPhone/pad/Mac release cycle. And I’m an Apple fan.
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