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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Yeah I splurged and got ribeye instead of a sirloin the other day so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice
  2. The end of our range day on Monday had my dad getting my middle offspring to attempt firing the garand from the hip. I think h e kept raising it higher with each round as if to shoulder it before he pinged the clip. Yes he has on eye pro but needs a haircut.
  3. How is the local Mexican place in Iowa?
  4. That happened? I missed it? (Nicole part, not fitlump sarlacc pit…..gross)
  5. Looks like it’ll fall off if you tap it
  6. We’re pretty fresh around here though
  7. Trouble with arm sleeves?
  8. No I posted waaay up thread
  9. I would convince Susan to punch Brice in the face for his transgressions and then terminate themselves under the company’s zero tolerance policy. Profit.
  10. You can’t just skip over the sitting part either. They hired him away from fsu. He was sitting there. That’s a big deal. Sitting. Edit: in fact, he got quite good at it. He got to aggy, and continued to sit. Just sat around all those years and collected really big checks.
  11. lol no he won’t drive for them in 2025
  12. Just in time for aggy white elephant gift exchange Edit: or is it? What do you get for the agroid in your life that already has everything they need, multiple jizz jars included Edit #2: out of your life is a good start
  13. Stay away from sparks and open flames
  14. Take it back. May seem petty but the managers at those nicer stores have a lot to live up to and they’re expected to put out better steaks than the “other” hebs.
  15. Who, Militia Etheridge? Fit right it with those cosplay dorks over there
  16. Is hunger an emotion? I’m not feeling it? Just wondering.
  17. Most every Fred’s fish is empty /helo
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