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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Tomato, totino. Whatever. Tastes like shit.
  2. Spoiler that shit
  3. This is gonna sound sacrilegious but I don’t fuck with Tony’s party pizzas. The rolls, all day. Fuck that weird as crust on the pizzas.
  4. I bet Miculek can cook with one of those.
  5. Fuck that dude.
  6. There’s no way that the post is not cat fishing for OF.
  7. So none of the writers for SEC unfiltered attend sec schools?
  8. I also think they will be imporved.
  9. Beauty in simplicity, or sheer madness. You decide.
  10. There’s no way that KKL post is real. She didn’t even get lost on the way into the stadium.
  11. Mississippi Girl Revival….wait, I’m doing this wrong
  12. I miss dart bowl
  13. Homer bending down.gif “30 years and millions of tax dollars”
  14. AB, are you an honorary moonie?
  15. it snows that much in south Austin?
  16. And during her most challenging moments, those were Jesus’ vagina prints where he carried her
  17. I almost the whole thing
  18. If it was just fine, and then it wasn’t I’d bet on a ground issue.
  19. I mostly carry my 43 or 19. I actually forgot I have a shield and a nice tier1 aiwb holster in the safe. Probably should get around to selling or trading for more Glock stuffs.
  20. It’s nice that your great grandchild came over to fix the cable box so it’s not blinking 12:00 anymore.
  21. Ok, so dump the chips out on a scale and tell us if you’re getting the advertised mass or not. Or would you rather them vacuum seal the bag nice and flat?
  22. Please let’s not do this again
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