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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. They can’t give the dog any bread, they done gave all their bread to jimbo.
  2. They both were born with Fetal Aggy Syndrome
  3. Only poors buy their jersey off the rack and have it tailored. I go full bespoke on my jersey wear. The tailor can match the sartorial essence of true burnt orange.
  4. When do I add the beans?
  5. aggy screenshot megathread: “this is a cruel cruel world”
  6. He has been to the top of the mountain. And it was good.
  7. Yeah, lemme also get a liter of chili I don’t want a large farva. I want a goddamn liter of chili!
  8. He’s from the bdf. He’s not sec ready.
  9. He has a lot of other voiceover stuff too. Funny guy.
  10. Where did the pie talk go? I’m still team chess pie.
  11. Este. When I’m the king of the world, my first edict is that greasy burger joints automagically serve a few pickle chips or okrey on the side WITH your fries or onion rings. And Sysco is banished.
  12. Which is funny since you could have gone to numerous hebs with true bbq and gotten much better food
  13. Band smack talk not going away
  14. On a scale of 0 to Willie Nelson, how high were you?
  15. The same tech team that we beat by 5 possessions in Lubbock Edit: I guess cal just didn’t want to be there
  16. Absolutely. You should be ineligible for playoffs if you’ve played more than 3 fcs opponents in that and the preceding year. Still gives them the opportunity to scrub down a little but not consistently every year. It will involve strategy and we know teams like aggy will try to take full advantage and still fuck it up. More schadenfreude.
  17. It the expanded playoffs happen next year with the results of this year and a few changes, we could own quite the slate of blue bloods in one season.
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