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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. You’re cold blooded with that cold flour tort
  2. Meeeler lites and Evan Williams had me turnt. And I was just excited to eat. No time for caution when cutting these lines TAR.
  3. Don’t bring his calzone lovin ass into this. This is a serious discussion.
  4. What about non holiday pie. I’ll take chess pie. Thoughts?
  5. So how much of a bump did elko get over what they were offering him last week?
  6. I can’t wait for his tell all coloring book.
  7. So bjork is getting a contract extension then?
  8. I think I got this animation for my last strike at dart bowl
  9. 1001 laps led. Is that bad?
  10. Pretty big yawn so far on this one. Big lulz at Toto having to cheer on lulu and remind him that he is actually fast instead of bitching
  11. Somebody is humping leg tonight
  12. Gotta eat that leftover ham. Somehow missed out on leftover cranberry so I settled for rasp chipooodle sauce. Grilled monte shanko’s.
  13. deft

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Next year with different officials, national sports media will notice a meteoric rise in our defensive line production.
  14. What does General Reveille think about stoops though?
  15. I like strippers and monkeys. That could be any of us.
  16. up a lot for a guy who’s been in his position with this much talent for this long
  17. Or, and hear me out here, fuck them.
  18. I hope they bring the glass jars too
  19. He’s really more of a screwdriver kind of guy
  20. We won’t care. Never see em play again.
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