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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. It’s one bag of chips Michael. How much could it cost? $10? If you’re trying to save a buck on a bag of chips, you’re having too many bags of chips for what your Lipitor has you budgeted for.
  2. That’s because we’ve got McDonald’s at the house.
  3. Yeah he’s probably not any good. They only recruited since 8th grade because they actually wanted a foe to recruit him. Double secret negative crootin.
  4. Gods, I wish we had an archive of the co-op statue thread. That brought worldwide attention to shaggy. We were legends.
  5. Say what you will about max and him being a complete and utter asshole on the track, there’s no way you can’t find his sim set up with trophies just haphazardly displayed like that hilarious. Other drivers on the grid would kill for the opportunity to stand on the top of the rostrum and be handed a trophy just once and he’s getting them multiple times per season and then throwing them in the trunk like happy Gilmore with his comically huge checks.
  6. That you’ll never get the smell of vomit out of the car’s interior
  7. Did big red auto not have some “internships” available? Cue bomar’d gif
  8. Well we’re not trying to sway recruits that have already had official texags documentaries made about them anymore so….
  9. Max knocked up piquet. Tired of always beating some other drivers kid in the sim I guess.
  10. But somehow ocon is no longer there to take a penalty from the stewards [emoji26]
  11. Well, you see, he’s a senator. Wait until I tell you about the other one. Sorry Pete. I had to….
  12. Not just any child, that classless monkey bit a Steiner ranch child! Damn you Reagan. No CR.
  13. And if we’re paid up on our monthly BOMC and SECREF dues
  14. https://youtu.be/Bb3rT6YDZdU&t=40
  15. Lolwtf happened with Perez during safety car
  16. Rule change. You don’t count the spring game anymore.
  17. Waste of ammo. Give em the heel.
  18. We sat through some shitty saturdays in October in the 00’s
  19. I have learned that sark is not a good recruiter and that they’re better off than we are in NIL. These aggy screenshots can teach you so much.
  20. Yeah, let’s tone down the homo and bundle of sticks talk. We’re better than aggy. We’re degenerates but not complete pieces of shit. We can make fun of them all day long without denigrating other people’s lifestyles.
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