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Certifiably Surly
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1932 Surly 10%

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  1. Had a fried bologna and egg sammich this morning. Amazing as always. My neighbor used to eat peanut butter and miracle whip sammiches. I was drunk enough to try one...it tasted exactly like what you would think a peanut butter and miracle whip sammich tastes like.
  2. Well fuck me for taking the thread title seriously.
  3. Building drains are typically never forced mains. (Building drain meaning the main exiting the building and leaving the property). And a forced main would go straight up to a maintenance port before dropping back down to a gravity drain leaving the property. Also, at that time it would be extra heavy cast iron or ductile iron and basically impossible to break with a rock. Still my favorite movie.
  4. Shawshank, when he busts a hole in the sewer main to escape. Huge geyser of shit water...nope. Sewer main/ building drain is gravity flow. The only way it's pressurized like that is if it's plugged up downstream and holding back 3-4 floors of head. It was dramatic though.
  5. I loved that rocket 455, but it never got close to 1000 lb/ft of torque.
  6. Strap goes on the back of the head you dumbfuck aggy. Jesus Christ.
  7. It was absolutely targeting. Leading with his head against a defenseless player. Doesn't have to hit in the head or neck area if it satisfies those conditions.
  8. Well this aged poorly. RIP good sir.
  9. Dude. Shut up. Just... enjoy the quiet.
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