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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Paco

  1. I can't believe it took almost three pages.
  2. Late '94 to early '97. The base closures (El Toro and Tustin) had already been announced and they were working on soil remediation when I left.
  3. I was stationed at MCAS Tustin for a couple years and spent a lot of time in those hangers.
  4. I hope that's not where they were keeping the receipts.
  5. Damnit Janet! You're a slut!
  6. All I know is that I'm furious! I'm not sure what about, but I'm definitely furious.
  7. Stumbled on this a few years ago driving through Arizona. On AZ 79 between Florence and Tucson.
  8. HAHAHA!! Awww is someone not as miserable as you?
  9. Luke Duke lives in a trailer behind the bar.
  10. Take the loss, pussy.
  11. Ok, so you're a liar.
  12. Ever heard of the Second Amendment? The right to bare arms is in the constitution.
  13. I will put you to work right fucking now. L O fucking L either you're a liar or more likely you've never had to dig for a living and you're talking out your ass.
  14. I'm not sure what you guys are talking about, I thought San Diego was an absolute hell hole. Maybe things have changed since the early 90's, but I never saw any of the cool shit y'all are talking about. I went out there for a new job and I was excited as hell to live in a beach town for a few months. But literally the second I left the airport these San Diego people start fucking yelling at me and they didn't stop for three months. They yelled about every fucking thing you can imagine! Most unfriendly city I've ever seen by a mile. I'm pretty sure back then there was only one restaurant and it SUCKED! Seems like we ate every meal there and there was always a line. WTF is that all about? And they yelled in the restaurant too! You had to eat super fast because all the other dumbfucks wanted to eat there. And don't get me started on the barber shops. I swear if you actually owned a pair of scissors you'd make millions there. All those fuckers know how to do is shave your head. That's it. At least everything was within walking -errr- running distance. We did finally go to the beach a couple times but all we did was exercise and get yelled at. I didn't like that beach. I'm glad y'all had fun but I'm never going back.
  15. Texzilla is the Helobious of the food board.
  16. Start out with regular size hot dogs and work your way up. Wait. What
  17. Don't get me started on Christine. I mean the real car wasn't even a Plymouth Fury, it was a Corvair. And nobody is scared of a goddamn Corvair. Except Ralph Nader I guess.
  18. We live in Texas. Is it north? Check. Is it west? Check. Is it close to the Pacific ocean? Check! I'll alow it.
  19. Oh, sure. That's the same thing as an entire population center literally turned to ashes.
  20. That's some bad karma bullshit right there.
  21. Any context? You sure about that?
  22. Dust storm in 29 stumps is the best I can do. But I will say, the cocktail shaker action on those ☝️ when the crane flies 'em up 30 floors adds a new twist.
  23. You haven't lived until you've had to shit in one of these shit saunas after they've been in the direct sun all day.
  24. I'm not sure, but we know South Austin is from South Austin's mom. Or at least we all know what part of South Austin's mom South Austin came from. Or something like that.
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