It's perfectly okay for you to think this movie was "mediocre". You said it yourself: you were born in the 80's, which means it's impossible for you to understand the context of the original, and therefore impossible to understand why so many of us loved Top Gun 2. The majority of us on this site were born in the 60's and 70's. We were children of the cold war. We grew up in a country trying to heal from Vietnam. We didn't have very many war movies, and the ones we did have painted our military in a very bad light (and rightly so). The US military was broken in the 70's, and was in the midst of a total rebuild in the 80's. But I don't expect you to understand that. Having your opinion is one thing, but then calling others blow hards and saying you're just smarter than everyone else is some blistering irony. But I don't expect you to understand that either, because it's the very nature of a truly stupid blow hard douche bag to be completely unaware of of your horrible personality. TLDR: you are a douche of the highest order. Have a nice day.