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Zeus last won the day on August 14 2021

Zeus had the most liked content!


7088 Surly 1%


  • Title
    sky and thunder god

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  1. Yes he was outside of the tackle box didn’t matter the reffies were going to fuck us the whole game the actual rules don’t really matter much.
  2. Got lucky all season either bailed out by the refs or magically they convert. Fuck that turd
  3. lol both teams just ref balling as hard as possible
  4. Just let Kirby spot the ball come on
  5. lol it’s to the point where Georgia players are flopping like basketball
  6. Stonkton gonna be puking like skatteboo taking hits like that
  7. Zeus

    REF assignments

    This shit is more rigged than NFL
  8. Boomers will click ANYTHING its still their homepage on internet explorer
  9. It's an okie lite guy asking ChatGPT what to think lmao
  10. TEMU skip bayless says we are gonna get blown out Also espin is making it all about the targeting no-call Ignoring all the other horrible officiating going against us of course...
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