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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. Walker tackled that OL isnt that defensive holding on a run play????? lol
  2. Georgia hasn’t been able to stop the TE under flat route all day
  3. They’ve got JAGs in there in the backfield georgia is so fucking lucky these cheating mother fuckers
  4. Nothin but band and crowd IMG_6755.mov
  5. It looked like he was gonna blow his knee on that scramble left not rooting for that or anything but…
  6. Then the commercial with a bunch of celebs saying, hate is starting to win guys, we need to fight back against hate! STOP TOLERATING INTOLERANCE!!!
  7. lol it would be so funny it’s already pretty awesome hearing all the cope and seethe from the LH haters right now saying we didn’t play anybody if we get an easy road in the playoff by pure luck that would be just so sweet
  8. Start Manning we are up by 35 in the 4th quarter and Quinn can mop up
  9. This coarch Tom Herman’ed him by making him play hero ball the whole game until he’s broken.
  10. Probably get a pass interference then untimed free FG
  11. No way i want us to beat a sucky aggy a sucky georgia then beat a sucky notre dame then sucky pedo state then sucky boise state dominate all these fucks and forever dipshits can say we didn’t beat anybody all season when we have the national champ first time in SEC and first time in big expanded playoffs lol
  12. This stupid piece of shit will say “they tried to rob us!” after this one too. Their best plays have been chicken shit pass interference and getting away with clear holding. Loser piece of shit
  13. Not sure if these are sec refs in this Georgia game but this isn’t even a real sport at this point.
  14. It’s not even football anymore looks like pro wrestling (or NFL) hopefully tomorrow we don’t get fucked by these retard zebras but who knows
  15. Phantom PI called clear holding “missed”
  16. Unreal pass interference call there holy shit
  17. Pick 6 and season ending MCL for beck here cmon
  18. Yeah replay I see now but they still blew the whistle, nobody saw a fumble, then they recovered AFTER the whistle
  19. Almost like the refs help them at home or something.
  20. lol nobody cares about corn vs corn but that’s funny the schmock guy loses
  21. lol blow it dead and say he is stopped no wait he fumbles after the whistle and now it’s a fumble
  22. Just like Tom Herman lol run the WH until he’s dead then hero ball
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