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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 2 hours ago, texifornia said:


    ONLY $70 to ditch the shit12?

    What the fuck is taking so long?


    It's already a done deal, the leak came out once aggy found out and they are pissed. The only route they (think) they have is through legislature getting involved.


  2. 17 minutes ago, TexasBeta said:

    I have zero interest in playing the likes of Lamar. We are Texas. We don’t play Lamar or prairie view atm or anybody like that. I saw during the traditional patsy week in the SEC we schedule tOSU or USC or ND.



    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. As long as my Gators get to play LSU every year still. There's a good rivalry there I don't want to lose.

    Rivals in division play every year, pods play eachother, other pods rotate between pods.

    Fuck aggy

    I think it's hilarious blowU is gonna ride our coattails wherever we want to go.

    Super conferences here we come!

    Yes I want this to go to ole miss every other year

    Best Pod


    blow U


    Ole Miss

    Bama's Pod





    LSU's Pod


    Miss State



    Florida's Pod






    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Millionaire?  Maybe. That’s having a net worth of $1MM. Most college grads should be millionaires by the time they’re in their 40s. Not sure he does, but regardless, he’s terrible, and if you’re gonna wear an orange suit, make it burnt orange, not safety orange. 

    He hosts a show on Fox and does car commercials now. He's chillin

  5. 10 minutes ago, theaveragejon said:

    I think that is the final version. The super conferences, and then the break away from the NCAA. At a minimum in football. 

    Yes. The NCAA and Big12 can boss around Baylor/TCU/Houston while the big boys go play football. 

    The NCAA is actually just nothing anymore that NIL exists. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Yes, World, this attention whore average football player played for Tennessee. 

    Hey he's a public figure millionaire that graduated from Texas playing football, he's helping recruiting. I like him.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, TexasBeta said:

    If it does go down.. I will never watch his show.. ever.. He's an ass. On the SECRANT boards they are all up in arms about Texas and our gameday program on LHN. It would be great if we could keep that.. I don't like it but ... just a finger in the farmers eye is all I ask for. 

    You underestimate the amount of nut sucking he will have for Texas the instant they are in the SEC.

    Plus real Texas fans will be able to call into his show with a fake hillbilly accent like all his other fake callers.

  8. 12 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Fuck the Big 12. Fuck all the schools in the Big 12. Fucking hangers-on. Coattail riding bitches. I hope yall fucking cry like bitches. I hope the big 12 refs fucking end up on the street and their children get put in an orphanage because daddy cant make ends meet and mommy gets strung out on heroin. Fuck baylor for rape. Fuck tcu for dealing drugs. Fuck osu for 2015. Fuck ksu for owning us for a while there. Fuck ku for being a one-horse program. Isu, youre cool but your state sucks dick. Wvu, good luck in fcs with your high school asses. Tech…. Lmao. No one gives a fuck about yall here, or anywhere. 


    As of last month, we have the best athletic program in the country (Directors Cup, motherfuckers). Im sick and tired of these shitty junior colleges masquerading as flyover schools complaining about being left behind. Fucking do better. 

    This is Kevin Durant going to the Warriors. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    You're literally the wealthiest program in the game right now.

    I just need to unsubscribe from this thread.  You guys really can't understand where I'm coming from, and vice versa.  This is all fucking tiddly winks to you.  This is literally the economic viability of entire communities for us.  It simply isn't the same.  Texas will always be fine.  Always.  Iowa State University could literally die as an institution if the worst case scenarios play out.  Meanwhile, a million other schools that are less deserving and worthy of their position than ISU are sitting just fine because they didn't pair up with a bunch of cunts 80 years ago.  

    That's what really chaps my ass.  Wake Forest is fucking fine.  We're twisting in the wind.  What in the absolute fuck?  There is no merit in that.  It comes down to a history of bitchassedness that many schools have been a part of.


    haha but no really, the big 12 officiating has been dogshit and the leadership of this conference is even worse. Seriously a "Texas is soft wanting horns down to be penalized" conversation every 3 years started by this pathetic conference is enough to get the fuck out.

    It's not "we had no choice", it's more like well the entire sport of college football is changing, we have a choice, fuck the big 12 just like they've fucked us the past 15 years. Fuck them. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, TexArcher said:

    So, what're we guessing here?


    Texas and ou to SEC.

    WVU and ISU to Big 10.

    Tech, Okie St, KU, and KSU to Pac.

    Baylor and TCU get left behind.


    Something like that?

    They belong in the AAC with Houston bless their little hearts

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    i'm too lazy to look up rankings but i bet they are all (except wvu) ranked higher than both miss schools, both bama schools, and lsu. those are some fucking glorified jucos.

    Yeah maybe but they also cover up their players raping and beating girls. Fuck TCU. Fuck Baylor.





  12. 1 minute ago, texasstrong12 said:

    2 teams are already making the playoffs from the SEC almost every year. 

    If you add OU/Texas the SEC could very well get 4 to 5 teams in the playoffs every year. I don't buy the argument the Big 12 is an easier path to the playoffs. 


    Zero (0) big12 teams made the playoff last year. This conference sucks shit, having to play the other best team twice, once in fucking lifeless soul sucking shithole jerryworld. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  13. 2 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    $$$$ is the only reason. Culturally and academically, Texas does not fit with backwards ass schools of the sec.

    Except Florida.

    But do we really "fit" with Okie Lite, Baylor, TCU, Tech, and West Virginia? 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    But honestly I don't get the "why" part of it.  Texas and OU have vastly easier paths to the playoffs under the expanded format.  I think it only makes it that much more difficult.  The damage teams will inflict on each other in the loss column would be hard to overcome.  You can't put a 3-4 loss SEC team in a 12 team field.

    You can when the conference is basically an ALL STAR NFL QUALITY with 6 of the top 10 teams in the entire world beating up on each other every week. 


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