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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 1 hour ago, SurlyGator said:

    Well said.  I like EJ and really want him to excel.  I don’t have a ton of confidence in the final result after seeing his limited performance the past couple of years.

    Seems to me he's trying to do too much, probably because he's only given a few plays or one series every game. I think once he gets control of the offense and is allowed to actually get into the flow of the game it's going to change a lot. He won't always be trying to play hero ball (hopefully).

  2. 11 hours ago, Eskimohorn said:

    The neo-Soviet architecture blends in well with the nondescript landscape.

    Thank God for EERC but the rest of the engineering area looks like this at Texas. Was not great studying architectural engineering there. Larry Speck was right all along. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    CDC's jersey comment has me wondering if we're going to roll out all new jerseys for all sports with all the same shade of orange. His attention to detail with the color with regards to the light comment and the new field color seems likely.

    ACTUAL BURNT orange?



  4. On 7/11/2021 at 10:15 AM, victory88 said:

    It’s sad to me that us fans are fully expecting to drop one of the first two games and expecting 7-9 wins.  Fuck losing to some directional Louisiana team and a fucking bottom barrel Arkansas team.  And fuck losing any games in the big 12.  We have out recruited every fucking team including ou.  If these coaches can’t get us to 10 fucking wins against the pathetic big 12 and a shitty OOC schedule, then fuck this program.  Fucking aggy is expecting to compete for a national championship with a 1st year QB and we’re sitting here wondering if our new staff can out perform that moron Tom Herman.  10+ wins and a big 12 championship appearance is what we need to accomplish.  

    The aggy expectation every year is super bowl or bust (and by bust I mean come up with excuses why they still won it all).

    I agree though, we should at least make the big 12 ship and hopefully win it. What's crazy is that probably puts us in playoff territory and I'm ScArEd To DeAtH of watching Nickky Satan vs. his former coordinator. 

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  5. Our varsity field went from mud to fieldturf my Freshman year. We also went from a veer option team to a spread/screen team the following year. No more fullback for me only LB. 

    On 7/8/2021 at 3:48 AM, slorch said:

    broke in our baseball gloves/ catcher's mitts, but never a football.  We just played with them until that waxy shit wore off.

    I like to throw my footballs around in the road for a while and let them get a bit scuffed up before throwing them in the truck. 

  6. 1 hour ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Saying nfl people are making excuses for Lamar Jackson saying the only reason we think he can’t throw is because he has garbage for wrs. It’s a shame duv didn’t get drafted to a team that can throw a forward pass 

    Could've been WAY worse than Baltimore dude. Toxins, Jets, Browns, Fins, and many more are just poorly run dogshit compared to the Ravens.

  7. 16 minutes ago, TexasGary said:

    Sell: Smith will be recovering from an injury and SC has too many other weapons

    Buy or sell: Texas starts the season 6 - 0 and makes the Big 12 championship game.

    Buy! Show me a fuckin loss!

    Buy or sell: Blow-U sticks with the Rattled QB all year

  8. 39 minutes ago, Sock Monkey said:

    The difference between aggy potentially making the playoffs and ou's playoff performances is that aggy only cares about participation. They could get stomped and they would still sell commemorative souvenir big gulps like margaritas at a Mexican resort. Other than them winning anything of consequence, i could care less how they do. Our performance has much more potential impact on their future than theirs has on ours.

    Yes I agree. But like it or not we are recruiting against them and I was interested how signed up on the roller coaster the Athletic was. They on it! I'm pumped!

    I hate when Texas starts getting all this fucking hype then I'm disappointed, I'd rather have the guys get no credit and no hype then break though and show up big.

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  9. 35 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    They were druggies?

    You decide

    This guy did a pretty good job of covering it on the ground. Couldn't get much footage even though zillions of people are filming and uploading because youtube search sucks shit.

    32 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    They were all hopped up on marijuana cigarettes.

    Yeah I dont know if weed makes you get face tattoos and die your hair purple and never take showers but whatevs. 


  10. This is what happens when you suspend the rule of law. People freak the fuck out. I was stuck when the march/mob first formed during the day at the very beginning of this shit in Austin for a few seconds with my wife and baby. I made a U turn and drove up on to a curb/sidewalk to get away right in front of a motorcycle cop. I didn't want to be surrounded by a mob of angry druggies.

    Then I called 311 and asked where the protest was and what roads were shut down, his response was that there's just mobs of people going wherever they want and shutting down whatever they want. They were wandering around on I35 too. I cancelled the hotel and left Austin. It's not worth the risk to be anywhere near that shit. 

    Not saying either side was right or wrong, all sides that are participating in this clusterfuck are playing stupid games, and winning stupid prizes. 

    Makes me wonder what ever happened to this guy


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  11. I'm woke and all but DO NOT take MY job away!


    It's the same thing as the people who say hey the school needs more diversity but they don't want to take their kid out of private school and send them into the inner city school. 

    Nichols gets what she deserves. Also pretty sure releasing this shit breaks some privacy laws, but it's hilarious to watch espin crumble further. 

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