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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 1 hour ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Holy crap. I realize that he won a national championship and that this is LSU but there's no way he survives this. 

    Honestly I hope he does. He's a complete fucking idiot ogre.

  2. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    And remind me, how do we compell those building owners to actually do the preventative maintenance and proactive inspections? Out of the good of their hearts and love for spending money on a non-profitable effort? 

    Ok create another new government body to force private building owners and associations to pay me for yearly inspections. I'd love it.

    But the government sucks at everything, and doesn't even do inspections or maintenance on shit they've built, shit that is more critical for more people.


    Right now the ASCE writes detailed reports about all the infrastructure that desperately needs attention, and it gets ignored because the ASCE doesn't have the money for the "lobbying" I guess. All the "infrastructure" money goes back into the pockets of people paying for the lobbying.

    Expecting the government to efficiently compel building owners to inspect their buildings is a dream.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. On 6/22/2021 at 1:05 PM, Big Frog II said:

    I really don't understand why 16 is unwieldy.  You just don't have any byes.

    4 team playoff = $$$$

    12 team playoff = $$$$$$$$$$$$

    16 team playoff = $$$$$$

    Somebody did the math, friggin unwieldy 

  4. 40 minutes ago, JFKFC said:


    Lax enforcement of building codes?

    Miami Dade is actually leading the way with requirements for testing for components and cladding. They've got their own system for cataloging all the tested materials:


    They've also got their own test standards which were later adopted by ASTM, they are leading the way in creating requirements for testing.


    At the end of the day construction projects don't do any better by having more government employees with their heads up their ass on the jobsite. It comes down to the contractor, the engineer, and the architect. If the owner is serious about quality control they hire a commissioning agent, who will go over the drawings then provide 3rd party QC to make sure everything is done right.

    In this case it is likely everything was actually done right, but a 40 year old building without regular inspections and maintenance is going to potentially have problems. Especially with sinkholes that pop up in Florida. Actually Florida has codified the process of investigations for sinkholes.

    Ground Subsidence Structural Damage Assessment (as per Florida Statute Title XXXVII, Chapter 627.706(k) “Structural Damage” definition)

    Ground Subsidence Investigation (as per Florida Statute Title XXXVII, Chapter 627.7073)

    They've made laws and written papers about it in Florida



    Usually it's someone's house. This time unfortunately it happened at 1000s of people's house.

    Just my speculation on the cause of the collapse of course, but right now saying Florida's lax building code enforcement caused this is a dumbfuck move. Maybe instead of blaming the government, the owners of the building or the association of owners of the condos should've been performing regular inspections and maintenance. There's almost no way the evidence of failures and imminent collapse was not present.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  5. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    2 mm of sink per year for . . . 25 years? . . . that's 2 inches.  That's a massive shift.  Obviously they don't know if the rate picked up or diminished, but regardless, that's the kind of thing that should have been flagged and monitored.

    Only really bad if it's differential settlement. Even a deep pile with a bell will settle a bit. If everything settled at generally the same rate and the soil can still provide bearing and friction it's all good. The spooky thing was how the foundation looked like it just completely gave out so suddenly. The signs must've been there for a while. Likely new development nearby somewhere shifted the water table, causing a sink hole to develop. Could also be something changed with the drainage and storm water was no longer being controlled away from the building so it built up below it. Florida is a swamp and their soil is not ideal.

    Hopefully all these quickly built high rise buildings are all about to get scheduled for yearly inspections by structural engineers and geotechnical engineers. 

    Maybe the boom is about to happen and my license in Florida will get some use.

  6. 4 hours ago, 66BUFF said:

    why do concrete pavers need a lock down system?

    Uplift loads greater than the dead weight of the paver. Plus many of them are on pedestals, allowing wind to get under as well.

    It happens. And in the catastrophe zone on the coast everything has to be tested or run calcs.


    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 8 hours ago, deadshank said:

    Years ago when Hurricane Rita blew in across Galveston and on into Houston, Anderson Cooper was reporting live at the Galveston Convention Center out in front of the porte cochere facing the seawall.  

    We installed the tile roof on the porte cochere and the tower tops way up high.  We used all sorts of stainless steel screws and mechanical fastening techniques per engineering specs to make the tile roof as wind resistant as possible.  

    I was at home watching the live CNN reports and thinking “I hope our danged roof doesn’t fly off on national TV.” 

    Per the reports we got, the roof actually held up very well until the roof next door flew off and acted like missiles when it hit the roof we installed and subsequently tore the everliving piss out of it. It was a total loss.   


    This is about the only non-custom paver system I trust down here in Gtown

    https://wausautile.com/media/product-files/LOK-Down Brochure.pdf

  8. 1 hour ago, dcar00 said:

    I think unlawful possession of a firearm can be a felony in certain circumstances in Texas but can also be a class A misdemeanor. 

    I think they said the 17 year old at least fired his weapon during the incident.  not sure if discharging a firearm being unlawfully carried changes anything.

    we've got 14 people shot.  are they saying all bullets came from the 19 year old's gun?

    I think they are saying "fuck it"

  9. 15 minutes ago, LonghornLurker said:

    There’s something to be said for not getting dragged into a retard’s turf and getting beat  by experience. 

    But goddamn, I can’t believe my alma mater somehow birthed a creature as miserable as Randolph Duke. Embarrassing. 

    Olds on the internet is a spooky thing

  10. 8 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Why does Texas have to settle for a second-class farm school whose main mission is to venerate and perpetuate white, male privilege?


    1 hour ago, Randolph Duke said:

    A&M exists first and foremost to promote aggy culture, right down to the campus shrine to white supremacy.


    21 hours ago, Randolph Duke said:

    And we never will because the fucking aggys care more about perpetuating bullshit racist culture than they do about advancing knowledge.

    1 hour ago, Randolph Duke said:

    But what sucks more is watching billion of education dollars wasted on promoting racist hero worship and misogyny. 

    Massachusetts gets MIT. California gets Cal Tech. Texas gets racist farm fucks who "solve" the mystery of alchemy,

    But it will never happen, because those dumbfuck racist rednecks would rather focus on fairytale "history," playing fake army, and perpetuating a truly fucked up culture.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 7 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    can we get some vegas odds on the minors committing violent crime in the next 3 years?

    are we allowed to release the description of the suspect on the run now or is that too far over the line while causing some hurt feelings?

    Nothing other than he's (named) White

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 17 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    Love Sark’s offense but am surprised he is so against running the QB with designed plays. That is a huge advantage that the offense can use to exploit any defensive alignment.

    It doesn’t have to be Tom Herman “Hey let’s do nothing but use our QB as a battering ram until we’re down to our third string QB”, but just use it periodically to force the defense to account for the QB run. 


    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    You're right they won't get 5 in and usually not 4. But the stuff at the end is cute.

    2013 SEC BCS Games

    Oklahoma 45, Alabama 31
    Florida St. 34, Auburn 31

    2014 SEC CFP and NY6 BCS Games

    TCU 42, Ole Miss 3
    Georgia Tech 49, Mississippi St. 34
    Ohio St. 42, Alabama 35

    Over two seasons the SEC got its collective ass kicked on the biggest stage over and over again. 0-5. Do you want to guess what the 2015 preseason Top 10 looked like? The SEC had three teams in it even though by the end of the season they only had one team that deserved it (Ole Miss squeaked in at #10 in the postseason poll but weren't that good).

    It's not about beating them on the field. They have won the PR war because other leagues didn't even fight it.


    You walk into the CFP committee happy hour and this guy smacks your wife's ass


    what do you do?

  14. 4 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    You realize 3 of the 5 power conferences play 9 games, right?  Big 10 and Pac 12 both have divisions and a CCG and 9 conference games.

    Big 10 has 14 teams and the Pac 12 doesn't ever get a team in the playoff. 

    Either way, this conference sucks. Maybe it's just the style of play or the eye test (that nobody watches?), but the reputation of the big 12 is shit. 

    The only way to correct this is to wipe Oklahoma off the face of the fucking planet by whooping their ass twice next year and every year. Then when in the playoffs play a fucking down or two of good defense.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 26 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

    The "one true champion" got mocked because then the B12 turned around and tried to have their cake and eat it and declare co-champions. The actual concept wasn't mocked.

    As far as improving everyone's schedule by replacing a conf game with an OOC game, that only works if they actually win, right? Right now, the 9th conference game adds a record of 5-5 to conference teams. You have focused solely on the extra 5 losses, but ignore the extra 5 guaranteed wins. 

    So if you replace that game with an OOC game and the conference goes 4-6 in those OOC games, you actually just made the overall record shittier than it was before. That's being ignored. The conference has to go better than 5-5 to have any benefit. Is going, say, 6-4, an improvement of one game over .500 for the entire conference that big of a deal? Given that the B12 had OOC losses to 3 Sun Belt teams last year as well as a very narrowly-averted disaster loss to something called Houston Baptist, that's hardly a guarantee. Also, our TV partners are not going to pay the same for TCU-Abilene Christian as they would for TCU-West Virginia. So either you lose TV money or you schedule loseable games. Period. 

    Remember also that the missed conference game for some of the teams is going to be a shitty team. Someone is going to miss Kansas, someone is going to miss the 9th best team, someone is going to miss the 8th best team, etc. It isn't like every mid-level B12 team is going to miss OU and play East Popcorn State instead and magically now be 7-5 instead of 6-6. Someone is going to miss Kansas and maybe lose an extra game instead now. 

    The round robin sucks shit and there's not a good solution with 10 teams.

    Just add two teams and suddenly there's a perfect solution, play 8 conference games like everyone else in the country. One cross-division rivalry and two rotating cross-division games. Still may end up being Texas/OU rematch in the Championship game but that's exactly what it always is going to be every year anyway. 

    No cupcakes, OOC should include a minimum of 1 P5 game and 3 FBS games. 

    2 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Exactly.  Baylor was the one true champion.  TCU was clearly the better team by the end of the year.

    The Big 12 got shit because they tried to say TCU was really the co-champ when Baylor beat them head to head.

    Solution - Championship game just like every other conference. I just wish they would stop putting it in Jerry World what a dead lifeless shithole to play CFB in.

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