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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. On 3/4/2021 at 5:40 PM, BluTechsan said:

    Materials question:

    on the Longhorn we have orange, white, and blue

    and on the main structure we have green and blue showing

    I understand that multiple materials and layers go into the process but I'm curious what each color represents? Which ones are structural panels? Which ones are wraps or sealants? And what is the final orange layer made of?

    Longhorn is unfinished

    Green is gyp sheathing, blue is vapor barrier

    Structural panels aren't a thing here, is a concrete reinforced structure with cladding. Some cladding acts as a wall (curtain wall) but the rest is just veneer.

    I'll go take a peak and see what that orange later is, probably paint on a metal panel.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Why do things need to be uncomfortable?  Chris Harrison should bolt from this dumbass franchise. It is primed to have a doucher host like Acho. I’m embarrassed he’s a Texas alum. 

    Get woke go paid?

  3. 6 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:


    damn looks like I'll finally have to break down and get ESPN+

    NHL tv sucked because I bought it for stars games when we were living in Austin and they were blacked out. Had to sign in from a VPN overseas to stream them. Easier to just bootleg them at that point. Thats what we have to do now because Hulu is ghey

  4. 1 hour ago, NateHitch said:

    I'm having fun, just going to enjoy this game and this season for what it is. We got some young talent, just going to watch them develop

    Fuck that the cup is ours this year.

    Best goalie

    Stacked with vets and young guys who are really quick and skilled on the front line.

    Goal scoring back lines with a couple of beasts who can regulate.

    Fuck Tampa, fuck the rest of the NHL, we gonna dominate this year


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  5. 2 minutes ago, Texas73 said:

    The Eyes of Texas was written as a parody on President Prather in 1903 and people honestly think it is referring to slave owners keeping their eyes on runaway slaves? Really? It is not a proud fact but there were no Black students at UT for over 50 years after the song was written. What sense does it make for the students who were all white singing a racist song referring to Black slaves?

    If that were the case then it would have been documented as racists can't hide their racism for that many decades. And if the song was written for that purpose then of course we would ditch it. 



    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Love the Ussain Bolt pic. I’m gonna miss him in upcoming olympics. I don’t care about track the other 1400 days between olympics but he was must watch tv.

    With the perfect name too

    Yeah he's fast as fuck. Wish he didn't try to pretend he was smart and post this embarrassing shit



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  7. Behind the O or D should be the standard. It would be sweet to have the "home feed" be behind your team always. It makes you feel like your in the game much more. Some college games were done this way a couple years ago, no announcers, just crowd noise. During commercial breaks just hovering around. No replays.

    Seriously makes you feel like you are at the game, much more enjoyable than announcers and too many graphics.

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