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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 11 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    Uhhh yeah y’all still gotta get rid of Herman.  Not often going to be +4 in TOs, get a special teams TD, have a roughing call on 4th and 22, etc...and still need OT to win.  That win was definitely on a few individuals and not  impressive coaching schemes or preparation by Tom and his staff.  The penalties y’all were wracking up certainly showed that.  

    Going forward I’m hoping we (osu) got that out of our system because I never want to see another game like that again.  

    Don't worry you still play OU this year

  2. 7 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    What in the fuck was that!? I mean Sam. Joseph. So excited and bummed at the same time. No fan should ever have to feel like this. This is weird as fuck!

    Probably emotionally spent because every fucking game in this shit conference goes to the last play. Does nobody find it weird that Tech, TCU, OU, and OSU all were fucking heart breakers one way or the other?

  3. On 10/24/2020 at 4:42 PM, satyanash said:

    Ehlinger in the injury tent. Not good.

    Came back this week and won it partially with his legs in the 4th too.

    He's finally got that shallow cross Colt McCoy special down with Jake too.

  4. 1 minute ago, WinningIsHard said:

    He is beat the fuck up and still somehow manages to keep it together, the look on his face after that Ossai sack didn’t scream we just won. If I didn’t know any better we lost that game by watching him walk on the field. Poor kid knows herman is going to be around for another week. 

    Lulz you interpret his demeanor as Herman hate? Nuts

  5. Takes 20 mins to figure out the call - of course they find a way to call OPI against us. Every other team runs mesh and doesn't ever get called.

    This one wasn't even close, barely any contact. 

  6. This is why I don't watch shit12 football anymore, glad I missed most of this garbage. Tune in to see we've stacked up 122 yards in penelties and I'm sure they don't have a single holding against them all day. 

    Dogshit conference

  7. 3 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I'm drinking and prob off but, how is Brewer getting 4 targets to Moore's one?

    The pass game looks like total shit, the run game looks competent. Backwards day.

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