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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 2 hours ago, Homercles said:

    Normally I’d be thrilled to see my Pokes in the top-10 but now it doesn’t move the needle...at all.  Feels like 2015 all over again.  

    fuck 2015 okie lite

    2 hours ago, Wally Pryor said:

    They're a fraud.  

    Sagarin has BYU at -14 v. ND on a neutral field which feels a bit steep.   But BYU is really good.   Top 10 for sure, probably top 8.

    At least they are playing games, having Oregon and Pedo State up there in the rankings just makes me giggle. How do you never take the field and be ranked above teams that have won 3 to 5 games and lost none.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 12 hours ago, OU Sucks said:

    Georgia drops 1 spot for losing to Bama by 17. Gotta keep SECSEC teams up there so they can play leapfrog.

    What other conference matters this year? ACC because they picked up Notre Dame? 

    2 SEC teams are getting in this year, even a 2 loss SEC team will get in over a 1 loss team from a shit conference. 

    Okie lite will have to go undefeated to have a chance

  3. 1 minute ago, Newy25 said:

    Factually incorrect. You are simply making shit up to support your position. I challenge you to find examples of Texas players on the 2005 team celebrating after surrendering a 3rd and long. 

    I'm straight calling you out for making up data points. Post your evidence. 


    1 minute ago, Tex Pete said:

    Are you slow? I said nothing about that post. I said no one here thinks racism is a myth. You are asking me to defend an argument I never made. What the fuck?

    There's a reason he's not good teammate, he will turn every thread into a CR thread.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Duane Moore said:

    I would encourage everyone in this thread to read today’s Humidor posted by RGBIII in the FTH thread.

    TLDR: reports that players didn’t realize The Eyes would be played and went into the locker room. Sam stuck around for interviews, then they started playing it over the PA system and he stopped to sing it. This was not a conscious walk-off in protest, most players don’t mind at least standing there for The Eyes, there is a lot of unity in the locker room, and they respect the fans who want to keep the tradition. 

    Hopefully this can cool down both sides on here about how much to read into the incident, and to redirect their anger at the incompetence of Tom Herman who failed to communicate to his team what would happen after the game, and to the public what really happened as this story was raging out of control all week. 

    Every game I've ever watched they play the Eyes and the players gather, win or lose, and hold their horns up.

    They've made it crystal clear with dumbass social media posts that a large portion of them don't respect the University or give a fuck about the team. They just cemented the obvious by leaving Sam out there. Excuses are like assholes man.


    On 10/11/2020 at 3:53 PM, Hagbard Celine said:

    Before you read my post below, if you are sincerely interested in a critique of your opinion, i urge you to read the wiki for Post hoc, ergo propter hoc:


    126 years ago, the lyrics to a folk song were transcribed for the first time at Princeton.  10 years later, 2 leaders in our student government kept the music and changed the lyrics to taunt and mock the then-current leader of The University.  The song was unfortunately performed for the first time at a Minstrel Show.  And it may have been performed in blackface.  Over the following 116 years the song was sung out loud by millions of voices, none of whom ever believed they were singing a "racist" song "celebrating" "racial" anything.  Then 115 years later, Minneapolis cops killed murdered George Floyd, and African Americans attending The University (with no outside influence?) were told, decided, or became 'woke' to their belief/opinion regarding the intent and meaning of the song, which said opinion is not shared by a massive (MASSIVE) percentage of former alumni who, regardless of race, creed, color, or class, have the intelligence to see the false association between intent of the song, and the location and setting of the first performance of the song.  And, understandably, this cohort is pissed off that a piece of their lives has been warrior-ed away from them at a time when stupidity is rampant in the program, and not just in and around this topic.

    The intent of the song is not racist.

    It's origins are not racist.

    Because it debuted at a minstrel show, you INSIST that it's origins are in minstrelsy.  The debut of the Texas version of the song at a minstrel event does not make the song racist just because you say it does.  The music was not composed for a racist cause or with racist intent.  The lyrics to the Texas version of the song were not composed for a racist cause or with racist intent.

    There is zero historical evidence that the music or lyrics of the folk version or the Texas version are racist.  You can write a billion gigs of woke rant and it won't change the fact that there is zero historical evidence that the song itself is racist in any way shape or form, an ugly fact which will not be downed.



    • Like 2
  5. I love the logic, they wanted to begin having more fans soon and somehow that caused a handful of players to test positive for the coof? 

    It's going to be a nothingburger just like every outbreak panic in sports so far, the Coronabros will say this is the end of the season. In reality they will just reschedule the game, same as the year the game got rescheduled due to an incoming hurricane.

    3 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    y'all are going to be sorry for being sarcastic Sammies when half the Florida team is dead in two weeks

    I think there's been 44,000 positive cases on college campus with two (2) hospitalizations. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 4
  6. 17 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Well then my previous point stands.

    The whole point of the song is about our unity and love for each other. Celebrating our love for the University and each other. Having half of the fans/players/students not want to participate undermines the whole thing. So best to get rid of it for that reason. What are we even doing then?

    We didn't even need the players to sing it, it was just fun to sing it as a fanbase. But it no longer makes sense to do so.

    Yes but the reason why is based on a lie.

    And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

    See below

    This should be there sticky on every page of this thread

    On 10/11/2020 at 3:53 PM, Hagbard Celine said:

    Before you read my post below, if you are sincerely interested in a critique of your opinion, i urge you to read the wiki for Post hoc, ergo propter hoc:


    126 years ago, the lyrics to a folk song were transcribed for the first time at Princeton.  10 years later, 2 leaders in our student government kept the music and changed the lyrics to taunt and mock the then-current leader of The University.  The song was unfortunately performed for the first time at a Minstrel Show.  And it may have been performed in blackface.  Over the following 116 years the song was sung out loud by millions of voices, none of whom ever believed they were singing a "racist" song "celebrating" "racial" anything.  Then 115 years later, Minneapolis cops killed murdered George Floyd, and African Americans attending The University (with no outside influence?) were told, decided, or became 'woke' to their belief/opinion regarding the intent and meaning of the song, which said opinion is not shared by a massive (MASSIVE) percentage of former alumni who, regardless of race, creed, color, or class, have the intelligence to see the false association between intent of the song, and the location and setting of the first performance of the song.  And, understandably, this cohort is pissed off that a piece of their lives has been warrior-ed away from them at a time when stupidity is rampant in the program, and not just in and around this topic.

    The intent of the song is not racist.

    It's origins are not racist.

    Because it debuted at a minstrel show, you INSIST that it's origins are in minstrelsy.  The debut of the Texas version of the song at a minstrel event does not make the song racist just because you say it does.  The music was not composed for a racist cause or with racist intent.  The lyrics to the Texas version of the song were not composed for a racist cause or with racist intent.

    There is zero historical evidence that the music or lyrics of the folk version or the Texas version are racist.  You can write a billion gigs of woke rant and it won't change the fact that there is zero historical evidence that the song itself is racist in any way shape or form, an ugly fact which will not be downed.



    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    you use the word SHOWS as in plural.  please cite the historical evidence that binds the song to minstelry in the plural tense at The University.

    in addition, please show your work with historical evidence that the folk music memorialized at Princeton 10 years earlier had a racist origin and intent.

    finally, please show your work with historical evidence that the lyrics to the Texas version of the song were not directed towards the then-current leadership of The University.

    What's crazy is the actual lyrics, I've always interpreted it as everyone that has ever gone to Texas is expecting you to work hard on self improvement. There's nowhere to hide from the eyes because you are also one of them.


    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 11 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    and get this just in!  Sul Ross was actually racist, and our song is not.

    AND we already nuked all of our statues, including one (Albert Sidney Johnston) who did service in the US Army that should have merited his statue a better fate than woke eradication.

    We went and took pictures of our son in front of the Washington statue before that one goes too.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    Teams like Cleveland and Oakland get made fun of for firing coaches after 1 season, but I think Jones would come out looking okay firing a coach after 5 games. Basically a "I made a mistake, and I'm owning up to it now, rather than dragging it out."


    Which is, of course, why it will never happen.

    Mccarthy didn't have a full off-season to turn Dak into Aaron Rodgers

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