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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Yeah it's odd, usually the DBs play tight and safeties play way way deep. 

    Bail out call there kinda for the Gators. The guy had hands to the face of the OL then then QB though.

    This defense is a cheap shot all bark shit show for tamu. They are yapping after every play

  2. 1 minute ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    The two supposed best teams are playing like it's a pee wee game. It's a beating to watch, which is why I switched to this game. Herman is going to cause me to have an aneurysm. 

    I bring the other TV in for Saturdays. But yeah Texas is hard to watch. 

    Florida D holding them to 17 when Banner held them to 14, I'm aight with that.

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