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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 29 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Damn, keep your head up, my man.  That’s a rough patch for sure.  At least it keeps shit in perspective.  Enjoy the toilet bowl tomorrow.  May the less shitty team win.  

    The toilet bowl is the big12 championship game in jerry world.

    This is the upper decker bowl

  2. 2 hours ago, futureman said:

    let me tell you about the big XII...

    Yup. It's the Alabama invitational. 2 SEC teams getting in this year, because they are playing that GRUELING all SEC 9 game schedule.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Smith was targeted 7-8 times with 6 receptions and a crucial absolute bitch made drop. If that isn’t enough for him, he’s a pussy. Given this and the talk of him being upset about targets last year with 4 TDs as a freshman I think it’s safe to say he’s your typical Scottsdale white kid.

    yep. the receiver depth chart should be:

    Eagles - Black - Schooler - Moore

    Our tight ends have been pretty shitty, aside from one big catch from Wiley, and that onside kick recovery from Epps. Just keep the guys that play well out there. 

    I have zero trust in Jake Smith or Jordan Whittington, Kai Money has been doing more it seems.

  4. 18 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Ossai is the only one I can think of. Even Sterns has been disappointing although I think his heart is still in it and he's trying. 

    Play hard, just not TOO hard or you will make a big hit and get thrown out of the game. Look at Iowa State Gerry Vaughn or our Juwan Mitchell.


  5. 8 hours ago, Hookem2147 said:

    Don’t know how to say this without just setting off the panic alarms, but Smith just deleted all of his Instagram pictures and bio related to Texas.

    Probably tired of making big 40 yard catches on 3rd down then getting them called back for phantom OPI in this shit conference. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 5 hours ago, shadow_operative said:

    what does FIFA stand for? and what does it govern? 

    also, for all of the people who say this, how would you feel if someone from England started watching American tackle football and constantly referred to it as "American tackle football"? 

    furthermore, when you watch/play/talk about tennis, do you correct people when they say "30-love" and tell them that it's actually "30-zero"? 

    *Hand egg

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  7. 1 hour ago, wood said:

    Absolutely this. I'm sooo done with this fucking shit.  Fuck the others. They can all drown in their irrelevance without Texas and ou sucks.

    Especially Baylor. TCU probably covered up Boykin beating his girl a few times, but Baylor covered up multiple players rape. Big 12 just sat on its thumb and were ok to quietly fire Art and sweep it under the rug. 

    How does that reflect on Texas? We share money and a conference with people who cover up rape. For what? All that big Dr. Pepper money being made in some trailer park in Waco?

    Fuck the big 12

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 1 minute ago, Nivek said:

    I was talking about the TD pass in the endzone where the defender had his right hand inside of Eagles left hand.    

    Oh the other pass interference that wasn't called 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Nivek said:

    That type of analysis is typical for the lazy or simple minded.   Try to find a Texas fan who doesn't think ISU got screwed out of a win against us.   Now try to defend the image below.  Only 2 holds in this picture.   This wasn't even the worst of it that game.  There was one play were there were 4 holds on a single play and Orkapo was injured.     This isn't something new.     Look, I can understand the official missing the DPI on the Eagles TD throw, because the defender wasn't obvious about it.  That is stuff one expects.  The official picking up flags, calling late flags, stopping free play, and so on and so forth is when it shifts from incidental mistakes to rigged bullshit.   


    lol watch the replay he tackled Eagles then pouted on the ground about getting beat and having to take a DPI. 

    I don't know how much more obvious you can get. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 20 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    Brad Van Vark: Central College, Pella, Iowa

    Stuart Schake: Pittsburgh State, Pittsburgh, Kansas

    Joel Wetzel: Texas Tech, Lubbock, TX

    Ed Vinzant: Austin College, Sherman, TX and University of Dallas, Irving, TX

    Lo Van Pham: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO


    The theory that these guys have an axe to grind is silly.  The back judge was a Tech grad, but that's the only connection to a school with a perceived rivalry with UT - and if anything a Tech fan hates TCU as much or more than UT these days.  Big 12 refs suck, plain and simple, but the notion that UT is getting hosed by conference refs is really laughable.  Perhaps those of you making that claim are just too young to remember when there was a half decent team in Austin.  No school has benefited more from officiating in this conference than UT.   It's okay to admit it.  It's in part why Nebraska bailed (to their detriment and may they fuck off forever).  Through the years coaches from other schools have been fined for bringing up the favoritism, and they weren't that wrong if you're being objective about it.  The conference protects its front runners when those teams are UT and OU, and to a lesser extent everyone else. When UT was a consistent frontrunner, the questionable calls often went UT's way. 

    But mostly we just have bad officiating, and at this stage in the season no one is protecting anyone or throwing games.   The Longhorns just aren't that good (again).  They were outplayed and should have lost on the road to a shitty Tech team, and then got beat at home by an equally shitty TCU squad.  Blaming refs for the teams' performance is weak.  The refs are terrible, no doubt, but they weren't in the bag for TCU. Every squad in the Big 12 gets fucked over by these refs, weak in and weak out.  It's an even playing field in that regard (unless one team has a shot at the playoff, then all bets are off).  Further, everyone at the conference level wants UT to win.  Everyone makes more money when UT is winning.  UT has every advantage in every category, from financial resources, facilities, recruiting, conference control and backing, etc. etc. etc.  The deck is stacked so heavily in favor of the Longhorns, in every way imaginable, that fans claiming that the refs are cheating against them is simply loony bin material.  


    bunch of small town fuck heads. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, HoustonFrog said:

    So you let him gut the franchise with two awful moves (Tunsil and Hopkins) and then fire him.

    Clowney, AJ Bouye, dumbfuck 4th down calls

    Going all in on Ryan Fitzpatrick, Tom Savage, Ryan Mallett, Brock Osweiler



    His own QB hates his guts



  12. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    The Lord Of The Rings Mueller Report GIF by reactionseditor

    We aren't playing today but first thing I'm doing when I get home is putting on my DESHAUN jersey. 

    Let's ride cocksuckers. No time to tank.

    Tanking would only improve other team's draft picks anyway. It's time to flush the organization and send them away like the spoilers. There's plenty of states without football teams, hell, send them to San Antonio

  13. 3 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    God you're a fucking beating. Spell his name right, asshole. And no he's not leaving. We're paying him $40M a year.

    $40M a year for how many years? I don't think he will survive this year on this team, he should fake an injury and hold out and try to get traded or something. 

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