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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 2 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Can we though? We’re not good at this whole coaching search thing. Let’s just sell our souls to the devil for 6 good years of playoff caliber college football before he bails with some health condition. C’mon man. Let just lean into it. We need to be back on top of college football. I used to agree with you. I really did. But it’s been long enough 

    What makes you think he would come to Austin?

  2. 1 minute ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    If he has a mediocre year, at least 6 wins, at least 2 losses, he will have duplicated Royal's first 4 years.  Is there anyone else here who thinks he is going to work out?  Doubledog dare 'ya to speak up and support shooter.

    He's gonna be here for at least 3 more years, probably more. Not saying he's gonna work out or not, probably going to be the same shit every year. Just that he's gonna be here. 

    Recruiting is going good and he's got better coordinators to get their system installed. 

    Nobody better out there that Texas can get.

    He's going to be here for a while. Hope he gets better at yelling at the refs.

  3. 18 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    The only way I might beleive this is if we go 9-1 and backdoor in. 

    But I've seen too much over the past 3 years and change to be pretty fucking certain that that won't happen. 

    If you want to talk about "gut feelings" we can diacuss why I didn't watch a second of the Baylor game last season. 


  4. 13 minutes ago, Tony Two K said:

    Your aggy is showing.

    So, who is going to replace mensa genius? 

    Your desperate name calling isn't really convincing me that the big12 is a legit football conference. Every year they put chokelahoma in the playoff and every year they prove to the country that the big12 is a joke with no defence.

    This year will be different, the SEC will get two teams in and the big 12 will get zero.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    I’m not going to kill your family or dogs. It wouldn’t surprise me if we finish 7-2 and win the conference. But Herman will lose a few next year he shouldn’t, as he will every year. I’ve seen enough and he needs to go as soon as feasible. 

    Replace him with who? Urban ain't coming to this cesspool, neither will any good coaches. The league is a joke, there is no defense here, it's barely football.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 2 hours ago, BornOrange1955 said:

    Only thing the line is good for is wagering. And I ain't betting on this dog show.

    I hope we win. Of course I do. OU sucks and all that. But what will it mean? That we're baaaack? LOL. No, it will mean that we aren't as bad--on that Saturday--as OU. It won't elevate the program; it won't restore national reputation; it won't help recruiting. We're toast, fellas. The writing is on the wall. Herman ain't fixing jack spit. He's had his chance. He's failed.

    We are a middle of the road team, incapable of sustaining anything remotely resembling excellence.

    As long as we stay in the big 12, we will never get top talent on defense. This league punishes you for playing defense.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, slorch said:

    I guess you skipped over the multiple times I've stated the officiating is fucked up.


    The shit yesterday on the targeting was just wild inconsistency.   I don't think we are in disagreement.

    The holding call in the UT game yesterday was plain as day.  Should never have been waved off.

    Yeah the two calls that were waived off were hilarious. 

    Head ref: What's the call?

    Other ref: Holding on froggy.

    Head ref: nah fuck that

  8. 22 minutes ago, txhorns said:

    The problem for Texas is that the best we can ever hope for is average refs who don't blatantly screw us over.  The refs all live in the big 12 territory.  Anyone who follows college football in this area either loves or hates UT.  They can't put UT fans out there as refs for our games so they are forced to use refs whose favorite teams are our rivals.  We have more rivals than any other team in CFB and so it's almost impossible for there to be unbiased refs against us.


    How you combat this is to do what Mack did.  Befriend the refs but stay on them the whole game about calls with the tirade over the occasional egregious call.  It's no coincidence that the refs became very biased against Texas after Mack left.  That's because both Strong and Herman sit there looking dumbfounded without ever saying anything.

    Yeah maybe the we should just get a head coach who focuses on the refs like Lincoln Riley last night. He looked totally legit lol.

  9. 1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    Do you really want us to dig up the holding pics from 2008?

    GTFO.  oSu 2015.  There has never been anything like it in this league.  And the last time it happened in the SWC we were on the wrong end then too.

    Actually this TCU game was worse and more obvious than osu2015. It's tough to say, but that game was a handful of calls to get rid of big plays for us. This game was no less than 15 times we had a positive play flip negative by ref decision. The two picked up flags were crazy. The OPI and not calling DPI were totally insane. It's never been this obvious before, they really don't give a single fuck anymore.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    You had to have taken what I said out of context. Yes. BoB the GM is historically bad. BoB the HC is probably better than Garrett and fat Mike, and that’s really saying a lot because I don’t think BoB is a good HC

    Yeah I get you. They are the same because they both suck, and both got jobs just for being around HOF quarterbacks.

  11. 1 minute ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    For as much shit as everyone talks about BoB the GM, the coach has won that division what 4 out of the last 5 years or something crazy? A division a lot tougher than this one. 

    Yeah he's kicking ass beating Luckless Indianapolis. Smart move getting rid of the HOF left tackle and HOF receiver to keep your young QB on track for success.

    Strongest 0-4 team in the league

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