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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 15 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

    Please don't mistake my passion for slamming on Herman as any sort of anger. Below is my text to a buddy just before the shit show kick off...

    I anticipate being completely disappointed but...


    Who would come coach in the cesspool in Austin? Who you want and who do you think would actually come?

  2. 17 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

    Really. The refs cost us this game?

    Look, I don't think anyone would argue with you that the reffing did not suck. Hell, the announcers even agreed which is extremely rare.

    However, pointing to them as the real reason for our loss and bitching about the conference that Texas isn't even competitive in is really a huge misdirection play. We all know Texas sucks at those so let's all know who is ultimately responsible at least.

    Herman hired the new assistant coaches.

    Herman didn't raise any static with the refs.

    Herman oversaw the lack of fundamentals coached into this team.


    The refs sucked, but Herman lost this game.


    Oh yeah I love this one, he should've screamed more at the guys who decide the game. Sure that would've worked, just like Charlie in 2015

  3. The whole premise of this thread is flawed because the officials fucked us the entire game, and the time we fuck ourselves we would expect the officials to just sit back had it gone right for us. 

    There was no winning this game, the officiating is ruining what little prestige the league had. Also, no big 12 in the playoff. Hopefully never again, dissolve this shit conference.

    • Fuck You 3
  4. 32 minutes ago, Hawndoh said:

    Ingram was completely gassed after two explosive plays back to back.

    We should slowed down and subbed in Johnson. We should have called an Ehlinger run if we weren't going to sub Ingram.

    Ingram was gassed and couldn't get there on the short dive and then reached out in desperation.

    We slow down and let him catch his breath or substitute we win the game.

    Johnson was hurt. Not the coaches fault we were in this situation in the first place, the officials controlled the entire game.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Lat22 said:

    This was not a  Big 12; crew. The referee proper was. TV said that because of Covid, the rest of the crew was local high school guys. How can I be the only guy that heard this?

    No, he said it was big 12 officials closest to the game. Meaning not a normal crew that works together. 

    It isn't really an excuse, you call what you see, it comes out fairly even. You call the game completely one sided, the team you are calling against loses. People will point to this play or that play that could've made the difference. The 20 plays the officials fuck us on also made the difference. A bigger difference actually since it's totally out of our control and a complete momentum killer when we get fucked by the officials.

    Not worth watching really. Glad the Gators have a good team this year.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    The current violent crime rate (2020) in Gainesville is 35.4 compared to 24.9 in Austin.

    Never had my wife and son in a stroller accosted by a druggie with his pants around his ankles in Gainesville. Happened while I was out for a morning jog at the hill of life last time I was in Austin. 

    There was human shit on the side walk near town lake too. 

    The city is a meth head shanty town now.

    Last time I'll visit unless I got to go there for work.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 5
  7. 3 minutes ago, Herpa Derpa said:


    Careful, your aggy is showing.

    I graduated from Texas, but I wish I had gone to Florida. The city of Austin has turned into a dangerous shit hole and the school and football team are inferior to a country club school with a golf course in the middle of it. Embarrassing.

    • Fuck You 8
    • Rage+1 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Tom just admitted in the post game newser he didn’t know about the :01 second, and thinks it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. A proper review would have meant a safety and a free kick. But whatever.

    Texas runs it back for the TD!

    oh no a flag looks like that is erased

  9. 3 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    Because it is the play, that if he caught it, wouldve given us a better chance to win the game (still almost zero) but a better chance than we had if he didnt. He fucked up. It shows he is as bad as Strong when it comes to situational awareness. He needs to go. 

    There was never a chance to win, the game was fixed. They called back every big play we had all day, they called insane shit on us all day, there's no beating the refs. It's no use yelling at them, they will do the same thing they did to Charlie strong in 2015. 

    They should protest the rest of the season for racial justice, and see if they can squirm out of the rig12 some how. If not, it's going to be the same story over and over. 

    Aggy is competing right now with Alabama in an actual football conference. The big 12 isn't a football conference. I don't know what to call this tangerine orange 'texas' shit I keep seeing on my screen, but it's not Texas football.

  10. 8 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:


    Because he is a garbage, situationally unaware coach. If you are playing tight games week in and week out and you are too fucking stupid to pay attention to the game, it will not end well. 

    Why would it matter if he caught the very last bad call in a rigged game? The whole game was like this, start to finish. It's not sports, it's not football, it's rigged 7 on 7 with some extra big dudes standing around.

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