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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. Just now, Surly Bevo said:

    Fistful of jersey being pulled on that run

    Ref "Ain't seen shit"

    Why would a recruit ever come to play defense in this pathetic conference? It's total shit. It's not even football at this point. Just call it 7 on 7 with pads 

  2. Just now, Goodman said:

    Saw it clear in stadium. That flag was thrown because Gary P. Was all over the official during the play screaming for a flag. That ref is a pussy, never should have been called.

    They should just Gary a flag. Hell, let him get control of the scoreboard too. Pretty much how it is right now. Trash league, we should've bailed during the Baylor shit. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, pacman said:

    Bullshit man down field call..absolute bullshit


    If that gets called in games, half of all pasaing plays will get penalized

    Never called when teams do it against us. There's high lights of Tech with guys 6 yards downfield blocking a LB during pass plays.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, HornsOverIthaca said:

    This is really hard to be a fan of

    Yeah I became a Gator fan that went to Texas in the stands in 2015 against Oklahoma State. The league is dogshit. As long as we are in the big12, I just hope the whole thing collapses, watch when it's convenient, and never waste a dime on this shit.

  5. 1 minute ago, Mileslong said:

    Look at the difference in actual burnt Orange and the tangerine we are wearing and decorating our field with now...


    It's like Austin and Texas are just a cheap knock off of the former greatness that was.

    Thanks big 12. Thanks millennials. Thanks druggie hobos.


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