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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 1 minute ago, irishtexan said:

    Penalties on nearly every play. And then picking up flags that were actually penalties. I can’t understand it

    Almost like they are trying to steer the game a certain way and are REALLY shitty at hiding it. They don't even care at this point, they've gotten away with so much.

    I looked up where some of the most horrible refs are from back a few years ago, all from small shit hole towns in Texas. They all hate Texas, we should go independent and let the big12 crumble. I mean shit the big 12 is just a Dr. pepper commercial anyway, we don't even have history with these teams except chokelahoma and lite.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. Just now, UTEX_ME said:

    nice 3 and out. no energy. getting beat in the trenches. Long game ahead. 

    Yeah this fucking offense better step up today. Everyone shits on the defense but damn 3 and outs are fucking bullshit.

    At least we didn't get a delay of game first play lol

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