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Posts posted by Zeus

  1. 3 hours ago, Ricky Butler said:

    If Sam was Tebow we would have blown Tech out. 

    Agreed, I watched him in person play a few games. Dude was an absolute monster, he would've got in front of the defense and chewed their ass if they were playing like Texas D was playing. Sam is a bit more laid back.

    • Haha 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Schools should be required to field a woman's football team with an equal number of scholarships if they have a men's program. Then everyone's olympic sports can collapse equally.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Herd doesn't know shit about college football. "tebow but can throw" is a tired take of him from his freshman year.

    Also can't believe Herd didn't bring up his ex-wife as a comparison story to some sport shit.

    Klatt is the fuckin' man.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 9/28/2020 at 3:07 PM, TXpride said:

    They were getting pretty good pressure most of the game. It's hard to get sacks when the QB can immediately throw to an open WR. 

    This. Fucking Ash needs to figure out he's going to get dinked and dunked to infinity in this league unless he plays some fucking tight coverage right off the line.

  5. First Texas score @9:36 Tim sounds bummed

    Tillman "ah :( walk in..."

    Still bummed from the offsides call and the news blowU sucks.


    @14:55 Tech scores Tim is elated

    Tillman "ohahah there you go"


  6. Lol we did better against the spread, they were supposed to be SEC and win by 31 and they win by 5? Jumbo also has finally successfully removed Sumblins offense and replaced it with his spider z y banana offense huh. Amazing

  7. 1 hour ago, bschoolprof said:

    We gave up 56 points, 325 yards passing, Tech was 8/16 on third down, and Burton was impressed, at times?  The defense should get a failing grade.  Period.  

    The offense and special teams weren't doing them any favors. Defense needs a bit of momentum, they got some turnovers, they got some stops, which is all I ask for in this league.

    Defense gets a C from me

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