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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. jorts are for Ohio state but yeah GO GATA (I’m aware this wonderful lady committed felony money laundering with her campaign funds or something) They will just be in normal cry baby bitch mode
  2. They kept getting lucky too those fuckers were losing to Florida before DJ got hurt. Oh well we can get revenge twice now theoretically. if we beat them by 30 in the SEC championship game then again in the playoffs it erases our loss to them and we are undefeated
  3. SEC reffies letting Kirby walk 40 yards onto the field every snap what a joke
  4. Hayes King went to aggy. He doesn’t have much to rattle loose
  5. I’m hoping somehow Kirby and Beck are permanently disabled after this
  6. Infinity overtimes Haha the late flag they need to just line up King and Beck and let them hit each other helmet to helmet until one of them passes out or quits.
  7. Reffies throw the flag THEN CHANGE THEIR MIND lmao what a joke
  8. Reffies doing everything they can for Kirby and he’s still hounding them what a fat retard and every ref should be ashamed to help that dipshit asshole
  9. Zero fucking defense oh well it was fun while it lasted fuck Georgia and fuck these refs
  10. Yep even an extra day off ain’t going to heal these swollen impure stinky pussies dumbass crowd yelling block that kick even though you have to go for 2 here stupid fucks
  11. What a fucking call homie loose with the ball too but hung on sweet!!!
  12. Ted Cruz is universally hated on both sides It’s like when we played Bama and we had home field but got fucked by our own rig12 refs then we went to Bama and got fair SEC refs
  13. No way they gonna run a QB dive and get stuffed extend the game and let Beck blow out his MCL scrambling
  14. Walker tackled that OL isnt that defensive holding on a run play????? lol
  15. Georgia hasn’t been able to stop the TE under flat route all day
  16. They’ve got JAGs in there in the backfield georgia is so fucking lucky these cheating mother fuckers
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