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Not a Sock

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Everything posted by Not a Sock

  1. I love how he made sure to dance around the fact that the "aggie playoff snub" was during the Covid season.
  2. What the fuck is this graph?
  3. Yeah so I think we have the answer of who’s playing the national champion next year, and who had the best “moral victory” vs the national champion
  4. I have never seen a conference in an official statement call out another school that wasn’t a member like this.
  5. This happened to me when I started going to school at Sam in Huntsville having grown up in Corpus. It’s this strange claustrophobic feeling not being able to see in any direction, and sunrises and sunset being being obscured by the pines made me really uneasy.
  6. “What would happen if the junction boys happened today” They would get blown the fuck out and absolutely dominated in a humiliating fashion because doing stupid shit like getting dehydrated on purpose doesn’t make you tough.
  7. Isn’t today the deadline to enter the portal for players, so we should know who if any defectors are leaving.
  8. Some of the linemen that want a spot guaranteed after sitting or maybe some of the blue chip DB form the last class or two would be my guess.
  9. Jesus Christ, watching this made me realize just how much of a statute Quinn is. People say that Sark doesn’t want use much QB run game, but he’s not against roll outs and QB keepers just not using your QB as a battering ram in the Zone Read. I think our offense is going to be so much better next year because of roll outs that can also be QB counters in the red zone that Quinn had no chance of making are going to be back on the menu.
  10. Williams needs to come back, his mistakes are back breaking, drive killing mental errors. Williams needs more reps to get a better feel of the game compared to just his physical traits.
  11. So Quinn is in fact a nothing more than a glorified leach system QB who can only throw slants and curls on predetermined reads? That makes Quinn a good quarterback and a mediocre football player which is exactly what most of us are accusing him of.
  12. Or some of us just like banging thick chicks with some cushion for pushing.
  13. You old farts are so full of shit. It doesn’t matter what she looks like, your dicks ain’t getting hard until you pop your little blue pill. I am half y’all’s age and I would let that woman absolutely molest my ass.
  14. Man the lack of critical thinking skills is stunning. If Sark is mediocre and the only reason Texas is good is because of money and talent then that’s fucking great for us because Sark will leave but the money and talent won’t.
  15. Have you watched Sewers this game throw down field this game?
  16. Not a Sock


    Cut this mother fucker out of principle
  17. Get the fuck on some other team.
  18. The fact that I could get on a chartered flight to an A&M game and Looch can't, is sending me.
  19. LMAO. Shane is straight up getting Saban pissed at him for saying that Bama and the SEC were paying players.
  20. I am trying to think of a highly ranked HS guy that’s busted while Sarks been here, BJ Allen and Terrance Brooks and Cook are the only 3 I can think of off the top of my head.
  21. I don’t know about this, Quinn already has bad foot work, he throws off his back foot when on the move and asks to get picked off. Throwing on the move is the thing Arch has shown the ability todo correctly with planting his feet and squaring up his body before releasing.
  22. What does Quinn even do good that this point? I completely disagree with this take. I think it’s the polar opposite, Sark has adjusted his offense to Quinn’s capabilities it’s just that Quinn’s regressed so much that the offense is now a shell of itself. We used to scream about the deep shots on 1st down in 2022 that Quinn never connected on, so Sark took them out in 2023. In 2023 Quinn feasted on the intermediate game so Sark built the offensive around that, but even then Quinn still struggled with reading disguised coverages and going to his second and third read which caused serious issues in the redzone. Now in 2024 Quinn hasn’t progressed at all and I would argue has gotten worse in the delivery of passes in the intermediate game what does he even have left at this point? The only thing Sark could possibly do for Quinn is basically completely abandon his offense and instead go Texas HS style spread with Quinn doing quick throws to predetermined reads on a bunch of slants and wheel routes.
  23. Except Quinn still couldn’t hit golden in stride, Golden had to slow down and adjust because Quinn floated him the ball. The thing that made me want to pull my hair out last year is that Quinn didn’t hit J Whitt anywhere near enough because he didn’t make it that far into his progression and instead chucked and hoped Worthy could adjust and make the catch and after burning his defender or he chucked it up and hoped AD could come down with it.
  24. They couldn’t fucking run on the UGA defense, hoping Quinn could connect on a TD pass into the end zone was the only chance Texas had of scoring. Texas can’t run up the middle and the Georgia defense has shut down anything to the perimeter.
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