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Not a Sock

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Everything posted by Not a Sock

  1. People have said this constantly and since when has that ever fucking worked out?
  2. Does that surprise anybody how many times have we tripped over our dicks the last 10 years? Brutal truth is Texas is starting to be viewed in the same category or as Miami or Nebraska and unfortunately it will only get worse until Texas wins consistently.
  3. Banks could always end up being Vernon Broughton 2.0
  4. So the state law says that sex, alcohol, drugs are a no go but what about other questionable or unsavory endorsements. I doubt that Texas wants one of its athletes taking an endorsement for WhitePatriot3%Ammo.com or 4thReichsurvialstore.net .
  5. So the VT/Blacksburg subreddit with students and coworkers are talking about how this dude was a known predator getting minors drunk at the bar and drugging them where he worked. Catfishing people with stolen IDs etc. Shit reads like a fucking SVU episode.
  6. Rep for that thread title.
  7. I don’t if Jake had a long term abuse problem, the really fucked up thing about laced drugs is that one decision is all it takes to go to sleep and never wake up again. Loved ones will hurt and spend the lives thinking about how they missed the signs and if they had done more their loved one would still be here.
  8. This shit would only work if you have Clemson level results.
  9. You don’t keep something like that silent amongst the recruits for very long.
  10. Someone calling you a sociopath and derailing a recruiting thread with a debate about ethical dilemma of strategic bombing campaigns, over final episode of Game of Thrones.
  11. The dichotomy between them is fascinating, the Sooners may be massive pile of trailer trash undesirables but they still manage to make actual football analysis based in reality compared to A&M’s conspiracy based delusions.
  12. Wasn’t Graham that rain maker that Jimbo brought in to replace Brewster but never lived up to the hype?
  13. LMAO was the girls name Jan and did the dad hit abiara with a 2x4 and drive a Chevrolet?
  14. File that under, shit pulled out of ass. If anything that smells of the angle that the OSU staff is pushing on Ewers and not what his family thinks.
  15. The only way I could see line of logic this possibly working is for him to drag out his recruitment and be very public with it to garner as many followers from the largest fan bases recruiting him. I don’t see how the NIL stuff once in rolled in the program could possible used against him signing with Texas.
  16. The fucking pandemic, half of the power users that feed us info disappeared and football program with a deadman coaching happened. For about 7 months this board might get two or three posts a day, so most of us wandered over to the football board or worse the DT or CR and spent our time rolling around with the pigs in there that where also starved of any sort of info with spring ball and summer camps canceled.
  17. This production mistake drives me crazy and the amount times I see managers make it makes me want to pull out my hair out. Having 2x times the employees and equipment doesn’t mean that you are going to be 2x productive or do things in half the time.
  18. Yeah him and Vic should have gone to TAMUK they would have been surrounded by what they think quality poon is.
  19. Don’t be a bitch.💎🙌🏻
  20. I think this is what made Herman’s teams so much more rage inducing, they where good enough to win and you would spent 4 fucking hours watching them play “will they, won’t they” until the final whistle and you felt both physically and emotionally dead. Charlie’s teams on the other hand where down 2 score 5 minutes into the half and you just went “lol” and flip in between that beat down and other interesting games.
  21. I am in GME for 1500 bucks just for the memes.
  22. Did they measure him in nanometers?
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