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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 32 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    So he is saying we are cowards if we don't play next year despite our contracts running through 2025? Mkay..   i am sure we will buy out early, but this is just so quintessentially aggy.

    These MFers must have the shortest memories on the planet. Every team that switched leagues did it the very next year after negotiating a reduced buyout. Or am I forgetting something? aggy paid only 1/3 

  2. 14 minutes ago, TotallyLegit said:

    I really hate to do this because it's been posted a million times, but could someone help me locate that video of aggy students doing the cheers for each of the other SEC schools? I need it for a good cause, embarassing my aggy sister and brother in law.


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, DCLonghorn said:

    "The new deal will not change the conference’s philosophy on Thursday- or Friday-night games, Sankey says: There will be none."

    Did not know this.


    The Pac, AAC, MWC, and now IR8 can have that shit.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. 26 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    I guess Tech would have the best claim for the spot since they’re the next biggest in state, but that doesn’t bring any value to us in any sport. Although it would likely be beneficial for expediting the collapse of the Big 12, paying a higher buyout is probably the better long term decision.

    UT and the XII would've scheduled Tech for Thanksgiving to replace aggy if they were interested in raising their profile. That's what I thought would happen, but didn't.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    True, but you started off your post talking about best football... B1G ain't that.  B1G is Ohio State football (right now - traditionally includes UM as well).

    ...and SEC is 'Bama, so WTF? Only thing that makes it the biggest and the best is fan engagement and TV ratings. It's a beauty contest fueled by ESPN hype.

    SEC > B1G > XII

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    B-b-b-but they had a 10 year head start. They've won exactly jack shit in that 10 years, but they have it.

    Stoopid sip

    We's 2nd Place in the SRC West twice in the hardest dadgurm confrence in 'Merica

  7. 2 minutes ago, Constant said:

    I guarantee you the Nebraska game getting fucked and Bowlsby’s bullshit indifference had a huge hand. 

    FOX fucked the Big 12 on that one. They should be broadcasting B1G schools with noon EST kickoffs. But, yeah, Bowlsby is a fuckin' empty suit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 minute ago, BornAndRaised said:

    I'm only posting the full letter because the casual "dear bob," at the beginning is so fucking funny to me.


    There's probably some innuendo there if Bob and Burke are on a first name basis.

    "You've done exactly what you're accusing The American of doing, Bob. STFU"

  9. 50 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I agree.  But if the goal is Big 12 survival they have to expand which inevitably means getting the networks to the table to negotiate this issue.  I just don't how publicly going to war with ESPN in any way is the best strategy for survival and/or the best deal to the extent they are able to survive.   I have zero issue with the threat and "cease and desist" message assuming a basis for it. I just think it should have been back channeled.   


    Publicly throwing a hissy fit over this is a bad look for Bowlsby. Of course the networks are actively involved in discreetly brokering these deals. That's been true for every move made.

    * Or maybe not, since I don't remember if ESPN/CBS ponied up much additional coin for aggy and mizery

  10. 4 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    I'm just now catching up reading on the Bowlsby blow up from last night.  What is the consensus on what his end game is here?   Let's assume what he said is true, that letter (or message) could have been delivered through legal channels and not public.   I'm failing to grasp how publicly going to war with ESPN is a smart move.

    To the extent the messaging the irate 8 is receiving is that there is no real interest from ACC, Big 10 or Pac 12, which I'm beginning to think is the case, the absolute no brainer move for survival is doing what they just publicly accused ESPN and the AAC of doing.  They need to poach some combo of Cincy, BYU, UCF, USF, Memphis, SMU, Houston.  That results in a pretty solid conference that likely retains "power 5 status" and access to the expanded playoff.    I don't know what the AAC bylaws are but in order to make this play, you absolutely need the networks at the table and that needs to include ESPN if you are trying to maximize contract value.   So assuming at face value that ESPN was a bad actor trying to incentivize the AAC to expand (effectively collapsing the Big 12, the related contractual obligations and allowing Texas /OU to enter without exit fees), how is the strategy not to call their BS via back channels and get them to the table for YOUR expansion proposal.   What am I missing here?  Just does not seem like this was well thought out by Bowlsby and any President that authorized it.   Which would obviously be par for the course for this shit league.

    For me, the wildcard is what the networks are obligated to pay the Irate 8 next year and for the balance of the existing contract thru 2025 if they were able to add a couple of teams as a stop-gap. ESPN/FOX agreed to keep the Big 12 whole after aggy and mizery bailed with the addition of TCU & WVU. Would they do the same without their two biggest draws?

    There's the rub.

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