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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 7 hours ago, Bruno71 said:

    Disclosure…I’m an old ag ‘71.

    This whole thread has been an interesting read and, I think, pretty much lays out the different ways this latest SEC group of schools can play each other going forward. 

    But, being newbies to the conference, you will discover the old guard that runs the SEC really doesn’t give a shit what you think should be done. You, for the first time ever, are not on home turf. You basically are leaving a sinking ship with bags of money, hoping to be picked up by somebody. You, being Texas, don’t see it that way. But it is what it is. You bags of money are what’s getting you picked up. You’re not a cultural fit with any of the schools and your reputation for trying to runs things is well known. They remember how you put them down 10 years ago as not being up to your academic and cultural standards and how you wanted to go with the west coast schools. And Arkansas, Missouri and A&M have pretty well put the word out you don’t play well with others. 

    If the aggies' opinion of UT mattered, A&M would've been kept in the loop on the SEC's plans the past 6 months and Sankey would've honored the alleged "gentleman's agreement" between former commish, Slive, and Bowtie. He was 2nd in command when A&M joined, right? Surely, Sankey would've had first hand knowledge of this agreement.

    Based on this, we can surmise the SEC's "old guard" doesn't really give a shit what A&M thinks. Money > Culture, though, you got that part right. In time, we'll see who wields more influence at the SEC office. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. 16 minutes ago, Patricio Swayze said:

    Maybe unpopular, but the majority of the Longhorns on SECRant talking shit are almost as cringeworthy as reading texags. They are not good at it and just comes across as lame.

    But I also never really understood signing up for a non Texas or even conference type message board. If you are gonna do it, at least do it as a troll.

    Someone who deliberatly pisses people off online to get a reaction
    * See Monahans and @MoJames
  3. Still waiting for an aggy - or anyone else - to explain how Texas "ran the SWC and Big 12" with examples of said influence. Preferably someone with greater emotional maturity than an adolescent. Fuck aggy


    • Haha 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, jofus said:

    And despite all that, if they had stayed in the big 12, their 2012 team would have had a real shot at playing for the national title.

    I don't really believe that. Never underestimate aggy's ability to fuck up.

  5. 2 hours ago, Jive Turkey said:

    Funniest thing throughout all of this to me has been how aggy personified everything they hate about us and everything the SEC is against. 

    For years, aggy has told us that the SEC is different. It’s a family. You’re one of 14. Everybody’s voice is equal. Unlike the SWC and Big 12, where mean old Texas unilaterally made all the decisions. 

    So when it’s announced that Texas and Oklahoma are joining the SEC, what does aggy do? Immediately claim that it can unilaterally veto this move, even though it’s one of the newest members, and the other 13 schools don’t have an equal say. 

    Way to step on your own dick, aggy.  As if the other members needed another reason to think you’re ... different.



  6. 3 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    can someone, anyone, tell me what the "demands" are that we have been making for the last 40 years?

    what, exactly, have we done?  what, exactly, did we do, to piss off everyone?

    i'm so glad we no longer give any fucks and we're going to do what we want and fuck everyone else, because it doesn't matter what we say or what we do

    so it's time, i summon all of our enemies, let the hate flow

    tell us, exactly, what did we do?  what did we say?  when did we do it?  when did we say it?

    The only thing we've ever done was push to disallow Prop 48/Partial Qualifiers from competing in the Big 12. Nebraska built their program with these guys and were the only dissenting vote. Fucked them over good.

    But, so what?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    It doesn’t hurt to be aggressive. PAC 12 commish seems somewhat clueless…waiting on an invite from them could be a mistake. B1G still has that academic snobbery shit going on…if we do go to super conferences eventually I could see the AAC and some of the ACC merging. Taking all 8 schools if the AAC can pull it off is a good move for their conference. At least they are trying to be aggressive. I respect that. Gotta adapt. Things are definitely never going to be the same. Have to have some foresight. 

    As the Big 12 learned, the problem with adding teams is you're just splitting up the same size pie into smaller pieces. AAC currently has 10 football playing members. Will TV make it worth their while to add more? Do BU and TCU add value? Probably, but how much?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 minute ago, SquishMitten said:

    Yeah, no. That would give OU by far the easiest path to winning the conference. They’d be guaranteed to win their pod every season. Not that Bama’s pod there is too tough, but Auburn and Miss St at least put together decent seasons every now and then

    It's easy to forget Mizzou has won the SEC Least division twice, but yeah, that pod is laughable with also-rans, UK and Vandy.

  9. 3 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    If you think this current meltdown in College Station is bad, wait until the rest of the SEC catches on to the Poooooooooooor Aggies taunt at the end of A&M defeats. 

    Unlike the Horns Down story, which is basically a complete fabrication, A&M will definitely petition the SEC to disallow fans from being mean to them. 

    Where is this "horns down" story you speak of? I know okies like to lay claim to inventing it, but us olds know it was Arky.

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