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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 1 minute ago, senorfussybutt said:

    What's this about the wife trying to crash a plane? I must have missed that story...

    Tom & Michelle allegedly got drunk on a private plane, had a spat, and she tried to open the damn cabin's door. She sounds like a peach, too. First Lady of Texas Football.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, CTC2 said:

    Most of the time when I fire someone I am not handing them $15 million.

    That lessens the pain significantly, but CDC still has to talk to a sonofabitch who thinks he's gonna be the HC next year. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Just now, dcar00 said:

    I would give little credence to what Tom Herman says these days. 

    True, but CDC is in a really tough spot here. Firing people sucks, so it's gotta make any communication with Herman awkward. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Sir Ulrich said:

    If Tom is gone and UM is not lined up today would have seen more activity. The only seemingly attainable coach that we have to wait for is Kelly. No coach outside the top 4 needs to wait any longer to get in here since most bowls will be canceled. 

    Unless there's a NFL guy we are waiting on then its either UM or Brian Kelly based on the inactivity we've seen today. 

    Then we can surmise that we do have UM lined up?

    If so, CDC must be a damn good poker player. Herman said they "talk every day". I wonder how many face-to-face meetings they've had recently? It'd be awfully hard for CDC not to be uncomfortable knowing he's hiding Fuckface's impending dismissal. Awkward

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Reese Bennett said:

    Nobody cares about Tom Herman optics and if they do, it won't last long. What about the optics of losing to the thieves and cockroaches while having a recruiting class that falls between Tennessee/Wisconsin and Ole Miss/Maryland? In recruiting, we are closer to Arkansas than North fucking Carolina. We are closer to Boston College than the fucking Sooners. How about that for optics? When multiple captains quit on your team, what are the optics? When you get drunk flying around on big cigar personal jets while your wife tries to wreck the plane is that an optic we should be concerned about? What about the optics when Herman can't fire a WR coach who is actively undermining him and setting the WR room on fire? Did you enjoy the optics of our OL missing stunts all year? Fuck optics. Bring me someone who can fully weaponize the University of Texas. Bring me Urban or die trying.

    My point is fuckface should've been fired already if we have UM lined up. That's it.

    I'm struggling with why he's still here. It doesn't make sense. Ash can coach the Alamo Bowl. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 minute ago, wood said:

    No. He's not being fired for one game and shouldn't be kept for winning one meaningless bowl game in another shitty, underperforming year (assuming we actually do win).

    I get that.

    Just trying to figure out why he hasn't been fired already. The timing on this transition is odd, assuming it's happening.

  7. 12 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    Professional courtesy has no role in deals of this size and magnitude. 

    He's under contract. He can leave to find another gig (breaches contract) or he is let go when a deal is ready to surface (we pay him per the terms of the agreement).

    Kind of a dick move though, no? Not a good look to fire him after winning a bowl game.

    Optics and such

  8. 20 minutes ago, pops said:

    If they really have something with urban and urban really doesn't want any distractions with osu, firing herman now would just ramp all the speculation back up again. 

    That's what I keep telling myself,  anyway. 

    But, let's say we've got an agreement in principle with UM that we're keeping on the down low. Professional courtesy dictates that we fire Herman to give him time to find another gig. Ash could still be the interim HC.

    What am I missing here?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    I don't remember Dallas guys driving Patterson but I guess its possible.... the Dallas guys absolutely did not drive Charlie.  that had nothing to do with BMD donor base.

    If the Dallas BMDs got Patterson hired it, in turn, indirectly resulted in Charlie.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Just now, Caddox said:

    Houston guys drove the Herman bus. Dallas guys drove the Saban and then Steve Patterson bus which got us Charlie. Obv thats oversimplified but its generally true. 

    Well, we're fucked if it's the same guys who brought us Patterson/Charlie.


  11. 11 minutes ago, Caddox said:

    I get the impression that Dallas is driving the bus this time so this guy may not be as privy to what’s actually going on, but I didn’t get warm and fuzzy UM feelings from him.

    Why would Dallas BMDs have more stroke than Houston's?

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