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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 2 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    they better be careful or people will accuse them of acting in their own self-interest and ruining the sport

    Lamestream media "journalists" never bothered to look into how aggy and corn voted for "equal revenue distribution" while Big 12 members. But, WTF, they're mostly lazy hacks.

  2. 2 hours ago, 'stache said:

    ...I can see Ohio State and Michigan being tired of making the same as Indiana Northwestern, Purdue, and Rutgers. I don't see any program moving conferences in the next round.

    Indiana still carries their weight in hoops for the B1G even whilst sucking

  3. 3 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    listening to a bunch of middle-management O&G dipshits from Kingwood talk about complicated sociopolitical issues with a bunch of 19-yr old African-American Studies and Agriculture major jocks would indeed be pretty entertaining

    aggy ain't got no African studies.

    They do, however, have chicken farming aka "Poultry Science". One of the more popular degree programs for their student-athletes. Whoop!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Yeah I was just trying to find a copy online and saw that in Zwerneman's article

    While they could fire him, he can also beat them to the punch and resign. And if he resigns first, the contract says they owe him all the money. 

    Jumbo can resign for any reason whatsoever and still get paid? That can't be right.

    This is the aggiest contract ever

  5. Alabama aggie is changing their helmet logos?

    I have a friend whose daughter will be attending Auburn as a Psychology major this fall. Why would a TX high school grad go there to get a liberal arts degree? I can only assume a significant monetary inducement was included in her scholarship package. No, she's not an athlete. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    The Baylor hype doesn't seem to be based on anything substantive. TCU will be good if they can find a real QB, and if they can't you can still expect them to feast on most of the conference. Flip okie light with baylor and I think that's reasonable to project. Chubba Hubbard is going to break out this year.

    Not having a proven QB will hurt TCU unless their defense is unbelievable. Brewer is solid. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Hell no on UCF, USF, and BYU. Taking the fifth or sixth top program in Florida is not going to help the conference any. Adding BYU is a non-starter since we are not taking any football only members.

    UCF is arguably Florida's 3rd best program these days. "The U" has hit the skids.

    I've never seen or heard Bowlsby say "no football only members" definitively. Link?

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