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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 4 hours ago, Girdwood said:

    We fucked up our uniforms in 2012 with that dumbass collar logo so we don’t get to talk anymore. The front of the Texas uniform is more cluttered than nascar.

    Agreed. Too much unnecessary clutter on the front of the 'Horns jerseys. I love the throw-backs, but will like 'em equally well with "TEXAS" lettering.

    Texas Longhorns To Celebrate 1969 National Championship With Throwback Uniforms | Chris Creamer ...

    Doesn't make K-State's HS helmets look any better to me, though. But, their white lids with the Powercat look good.

    Kansas State football unveils alternate uniforms for Baylor game | K-State Sports | themercury.com

  2. 15 hours ago, hookem17 said:

    It’s nice to see KSU trying something new. These look clean. 


    To each his own, but IMO the logo on your helmet should be your brand. The Powercat is K-State's brand. The "Cats" script looks like it could be any random high school. I don't know why K-State would get away from The Wizard's classic, traditional, Cowboys knock-off uniforms. Does it really help recruiting? I find that hard to believe - see Alabama, Penn State, and UT.

    But, I'm a 50+ white guy so get off my damn lawn with this crap. And your "numbers on one side, logo on the other" helmets too.

  3. 8 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I'm not certain why, after consistently demonstrating his tenuous grasp of things like Facts, or personal honor or integrity, you'd trust any opinion or declaration he makes in ANY thread. 

    Well, RD has foot-noted much of it at aggypedia.com. I'm certainly not going to research A&M's history.

  4. 1 minute ago, closetojumping said:

    Why do this to yourself and the rest of us? I mean, I get it to some degree - dangling bait in front of RD is sort of like watching a bum fight or some good old-fashioned midget tossing. That considered, it gets old by the 5th or 6th time he automatically launches into the same word walls and vomits them onto the board. 

    The premise that the AD at Texas won't make a change in a major sport exhibiting failure at the HC level until after the next realignment round, ie., for the next 6 years!, is so preposterous that it almost defies comprehension. That this message is delivered by a guy that claims constantly to have an audience within the AD when everything he writes and purports to do flies in the face of having any basic knowledge of what's actually happening in the AD is, well, hilariously probably the only way the message could exist in the first place. 

    Sorry, man, I couldn't resist.

    I enjoy many of RD's rants even when they don't make a damn bit of sense whatsoever. Guess I should seek help. He amuses me, but RD should probably stay in his lane - the aggy thread.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

    Let’s simplify this. If the ball hasn’t snapped, it’s offsides. If the whistle hasn’t blown for delay of game, it’s offsides. We consistently see the refs give leeway in an expiring play clock, so coaching a defensive player to go is a dumb gamble in my opinion. Besides the fact that if he’s watching the clock, he’s not watching the ball and will be slow to get off the line.


    The DE is technically not "offside" (no S) until the ball is snapped unless the officials are concerned for a player's safety, ie a free shot at the QB. Officials can blow a play dead if a defender is way across the line of scrimmage, but OL usually react to that action. This flag for offside, Roach lined up in the neutral zone, shouldn't trump delay of game on this play. It's a mistake.

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/11/2019 at 9:52 AM, Randolph Duke said:

    You seem to have missed the emphasis on program stability. 

    Leading up to the next round of realignment, stability is the first, last, and every other priority of UT athletics.

    Get used to it. There is simply too much at stake in the long run to be firing head coaches and risk blowing up a stable program to chase a championship that is in no way a sure thing. 

    You don’t have to believe me. I’m just telling you the way things are. 

    Okay, I'll bite.

    Under what circumstances would Texas Athletics - the richest in the NCAA - be viewed as "unstable" due to a coaching change? UT is the crown jewel of any conference shake-up or realignment regardless of who's in charge of UT football or men's hoops. Your premise doesn't really make sense.

    I doubt CDC is afraid to make a change if he deems one is necessary due to perceived "instability". The search will just go a helluva lot better and more smoothly than it did under Patterson.

    • Like 2
  7. 18 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    Because of the recruiting right?  Nebraska has always recruited Texas and still does.  10-15% max of the roster was Texas kids.  60-3 run had exactly 10% Texas kids.  So did all the teams before that, and all the teams after til now.  The move to B1G was a bad one, always has been, but it hasn't affected recruiting 10% of the roster from Texas.

    To be honest, I haven't looked at the percentages.

    Maybe it was more about Rust Belt farm boys on steroids and Prop 48 skill players like Lawrence Phillips? Regardless, UNL can and should recruit TX better. Big 12 membership would help.

  8. 3 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Rhule to arky ?

    You only switch P5 jobs for a blueblood program. That ain't Arky.

    I'm shocked out how well the Yankee has done in Waco. He wouldn't fit in with northwest AR hillbillies at all. That'd be a bad move.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Handcruser said:

    If Arkansas was smart, they’d beg to get back in the Big12. It is where they belong in my opinion.

    If Arkansas was smart, they wouldn't have left the SWC in the first place. And they haven't won dick since without a Texas recruiting pipeline. Nebraska is learning the same hard lesson. 

    Both should seek Big 12 membership, but won't, because pride.

    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    Nebraska doesn’t have a recruiting hot bed anymore and have been on the downfall since partial qualifiers were prohibited.

    In the past - St. Thomas Osborne Era - Nebraska could sell the best facilities, sports performance (ie steroids), and network TV to 'croots including Prop 48/partial qualifiers. All of these advantages have vanished, so here they are languishing in the Rust Belt competing with Wisky, Meatchicken, and tOSU for B1G players. They effectively cut off their Texas pipeline leaving the Big 12.

    I'm not sure they'll ever be back to relevancy, much less win big again. RIP corn-aggy.

  11. 25 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

    Has anyone this season stopped Sam from running successfully? Every time he scrambles he gets at least 5 or 6 yards. It’s just dumb af at this point to force him to be a pocket passer and take away his strengths. Sams running is gonna open up things for Ingram and the passing game. 


    Also, enough with the ball control shit. That requires a great undisciplined offense which we just don’t have. Rest is not helping the defense. We need to put pressure on our opponents to keep up with our offense period.

    It depends on how badly the BMDs like or want Urban Meyer.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Reagan1k said:

    Herman’s demeanor strikes me as someone who is almost apologetic to himself for being just a football coach in the context of his self perceived “potential”.

    His overthinking and reliance on mental gymnastics instead of just demanding execution of (from the team, coaches & himself) the menial, repetitive things that are required to win football games consistently  shows me that he’s trying to prove himself as the smartest guy in the room at the expense of just playing sound football. 

    When his plan doesn’t go as schemed he won’t adjust and instead doubles down because if he conceived it, it must be proven right. 

    Say what you will about the marble mouth of Red Stick, but he’s a football coach and stays in trenches with his players and coaches; demanding repetitive execution. 

    Saban’s focus on detailed execution instead of scheme and style is another juxtaposition that comes to mind.  

    Football at its core requires execution and attention to detail more so than schematic brilliance and I believe Herman wished it were the opposite. 

    A schematic advantage goes to shit when you simply get punched in the mouth by an opposing disciplined team and coaching staff....and players lose faith in what they are taught are their keys to winning if it’s all style and no substance....they have no foundational structure on which to fall back. 

    What is this blocking and tackling you speak of? I haven't seen much of it around these parts.

  13. 12 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    I think he is very talented and has everything you want your head coach to when it comes to image, recruiting, fan engagement, etc. He is in his early 40s so he is going to get better you have to assume. I didn’t think much of Orgeron but look at what he has done with their offense. He understood that LSU needed a good QB for once and a young OC with a modern college offense. He did that and you see the results this year. Once the season is over, Tom is going to have a similar realization when it comes to the defense and we are going to hopefully get  a boost in 2020.

    We need the fucking boost on offense, too.

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