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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. Why the fuck did we take points of the board in a close game?
  2. That was a chicken shit holding call on Helm. FML
  3. Finally! What a beating that half was for us.
  4. Stack the box.....or whatever it is TV guys talk about
  5. Gotdammit C'mon, Blue. Take care of the fucking ball
  6. Herp derp I had an aggy neighbor tell me our SEC schedule is soft bc it doesn't include Bama. Umm, we played them OOC the past two years, dumbass. Whatever happened to the "SEC gauntlet"?
  7. Our RB depth won't allow us to ground & pound even if we can. Don't make a shit against Miss St.
  8. ...from NE Tarrant. We gon tear up dem Mississippi aggy bulldawgs FIGHT!!!
  9. Meh Besides USC and Oregon, there's only 3 other B1G teams that are worth playing OOC - tOSU, Michigan, and Penn St. I mean, maybe it'd be fun to kick the shit out of Nebraska again. But, they'd never agree to another game without coercion.
  10. None of you assholes have been to Blizzard Stadium, huh?
  11. Bowling Green good, Michigan bad. aggy logic and hive mind
  12. Solid B for his first start
  13. Stoopid sips. #26 had outside containment. That rite thar is ruff, tuff, texum aggy foosball.
  14. Lol....fuck TcU and their pissant toads
  15. aggy not good at math or facts, apparently.
  16. Mississippi State looks really slow against Florida. I don't like their chances next week.
  17. Perceived shitty officiating had very little influence on UT's decision to leave for the SEC.
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