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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. Oh, hell, how did I forget The U in orange & green? Brain fart
  2. More or less, but the only other orange & green team I can think of is Florida A&M
  3. That is only due to the usual SEC cupcake feasts we didn't get in the Rig12. I'm only referring to aggy's in-league, conference record vs SEC and Big 12 foes.
  4. The silverback helmets are kinda cool, but I hate it when teams use dark numbers on black jerseys. Gorillas!
  5. This is a nice throwback uniform IMO. A unique color way.
  6. UNC has a similar the exact same, old school Ram head with sailor cap.
  7. Actually, aggy, your conference record is marginally better in the SEC. At least it was the last time I checked. Delusional, as always
  8. I believe the fork was introduced under this guy's watch
  9. IMO, one of the best uniforms and color schemes in CFB. Helmets are legit.
  10. Moar black 'cause errbody wants some!
  11. aggy gon look just like the Raiders
  12. Will somebody with photoshop skills replace Mao's dome with Elko's? @TreatyOak ?
  13. This aggy asked all the right questions, but never arrived at the logical conclusion.
  14. But, arky has only played in 3 SEC Championships - total.
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