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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. Yeah, in Europe you'll see Yankees swag for sure, and Chicago Cubs..especially in Paris for whatever reason. aggy gear in Europe will be 99.9% aggy tourists for sure. The .1% are international aggy students who went to fish camp. The weirdest part is aggy takes an irrational pride in their lack of popularity amongst non-aggy. Only real aggy wears our gear! Whoop! tu has a buncha t-shirt fans!
  2. stoopid sip aggy earned an even BIGGER participation trophy for last night's effort. Another one for their Hall of Champions
  3. What do Jimbo and Trev have in common? aggy bid against themselves for their services. Whoop!
  4. The guy on the right is either constipated or the girl in front of him has a hold of his scrotum. As always, Meat Pimp is in charge, front and center.
  5. Poor Trev is gonna be so cornfused and cornflicted next week.
  6. So aggy is onto Reveille X now. Does that make it A&M 9, Guest 0?
  7. But, I thought aggy was a destination job? Isn't that what Bjork told A&M while interviewing and Ole Miss when he resigned?
  8. Truth be told, Bjork left because he grew tired of their meddlesome alumni and their idiot, John Sharp. It doesn't matter who they hire as AD. He'll have a 3-4 year shelf life in Gomerville.
  9. I'm wondering what "success" Nebraska has had in the past 3 years under Alberts appeals to aggy? Do they have some type of powerhouse NIL program? If so, what does it entail? I'd say A&M would be better off hiring an assistant AD from a better program, like UT, but the Ohio State braintrust just hired Bjork, so WTF...Quality sports administrators must be in short supply.
  10. "Never underestimate the heart of a Nebraska farm boy." (unless it's an aggie?) - Trev Alberts
  11. Of course, the shitheel Gooner makes the trey before the half...
  12. Disu needs to take it to the fuckin' rim instead of settling for jumpers.
  13. Well, at least Corn has a glorious, more recent history that makes them delusional, unlike aggy.
  14. I rocked Earl style, Pony turf shoes back in the day with the school-colored chevron. Luv Ya Blue!
  15. Yes, aggy delusion needs to be banished to the midwest, rust-belt, American equivalent to Siberia along with Corn. Perfect
  16. Wow, that is craptastic!
  17. Not all dumbass, southern rednecks are hillbillies, sir.
  18. His homoerotic fantasies about being face-slapped with two dicks
  19. The "casual fan" doesn't know that UH, BYU, UCF, and UC are even in the Big12 this year. And will probably still think ASU and UA are in the Pac whatever. But, point taken. May as well wait for the ACC to go belly up.
  20. Yormark knows how to promote the hell out of basketball from his days in Brooklyn. Football, not so much.
  21. I thought the Big12 had copyrighted Big14, 16, 18, etc. Now would be the time for a re-branding. But, I don't think the current logo is any worse than others.
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