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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. You left out the part where Earley agrees to do it for the SEC minimum salary.
  2. Will somebody please photoshop Earley's face on the aggy "Hall of Champions" gif for us? @TreatyOak
  3. Wow...I had no idea Earley was just a volunteer coach last year. I can't wait to see the terms of his new contract.
  4. IDK Compare his resume with Tony Vitello's. I think he was just a hitting coach before Tennessee hired him, but I'm not curious enough to look it up. All I know is we hired the best HC in TCU and A&M's history.
  5. Stupid sip He ain't smilin' 'cause his heart's still in Aggieland
  6. Who's gonna file the FOIA requests??? Did Earley use his new, UT-issued cell phone to consummate this deal??? Lawyers?
  7. Stupid sip Baseball is more about the players! Coachin' don't mean nuthin'! Anybody can fill out a line-up card!
  8. Good for aggy. If this keeps their core group of players at A&M, it will be a good short-term fix. Plus, he comes cheap.
  9. Should be an entertaining watch for only $2 on a hot, summer day. Thanks for the heads-up.
  10. Agreed I think all assistant coaches fill that role at one time or another.
  11. True, but now he's gotta be the bad guy as the boss.
  12. No, Cain was and is Schloss' associate head coach. From what I've read, Earley is the "good cop" who all the aggy players like and leaned on after Schloss hurt their pussy feelings. As their hitting coach, you can make the argument he was the #3 assistant behind Weiner.
  13. * Entitled, mouthy, crybaby slap hitters.
  14. Have you tried reaching out to the baseball team's equipment manager? Whoever that is...
  15. Yeah, but our new pitching coach - Max Weiner - will ensure his arm talent is fully engorged, er, maximized.
  16. Weigman didn't learn much at camp, apparently. Late, high, and behind is a good way to get your receivers killed.
  17. Bullshit How dare you disrespect Joe Schlabotnik like that.
  18. Why would Vaughn leave Bama for aggy unless they money-whipped him severely? Why does aggy think he's a top candidate after only one year at Bama? Gotta hire another SEC corch?
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