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DFW Horn

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Everything posted by DFW Horn

  1. This idea that the Big 12 is hot for CU because of Deion is ridiculous. He's just short-term gravy that makes them sexy now. I doubt he has any influence on the CU board's decision, either. Since we're guessing, mine is CU, AZ, ASU, and Utah/SDSU
  2. I can't believe 9 of 14 teams chose an 8-game SEC schedule. It's both cowardly and financially irresponsible. I thought Sankey already had a deal in place with ESPN for the additional two bluebloods and 16 league games? What a clusterfuck.
  3. Nah, they'll mix in a Vandy, UK, Miss St, or Mizzery for us. FML
  4. CO hippies will not be impressed with Prime's vehicle and it's negative environmental impact. What's its carbon footprint?
  5. Behind a paywall. Please post the content, too, if it's enlightening.
  6. I thought you were proposing that Arky play with themselves.
  7. Yeah, I found Dennis Dodds reporting on this laughable too. "Neon Deion has gotta sign off on a move to the Big 12!" Bullshit
  8. But, aggy needed more dumbass turditions
  9. Anytime a university president mentions, "...the student-athlete's well-being" it's an eye-roller. No concern for that while the basketball team is jetting around the country. How many UK ballers even go to class live rather than online?
  10. There should be even more emphasis on SOS with a 12-game playoff to justify your spot. But, most sportswriters are either dumb and/or lazy. Just buy into the ESPN hype.
  11. An 8-game SEC schedule makes zero sense with an expanded, 12-team CFB playoff.
  12. SEC won't maximize their TV contracts with an 8-game league schedule. I just see posturing and horse trading behind the scenes. I'm confident Sankey will get it worked out. Money talks, BS walks
  13. When has BYU or Utah sucked on our teets?
  14. Ummm...I think that aggy is female?
  15. Yeah, I don't see the point in "ghost logos" or whatever the hell this is supposed to be. The decal will be illegible unless the lighting is just right.
  16. Lol...yeah, that and bloated preseason rankings and expectations most years.
  17. Wasn't it Arky hillbillies who invented the "horns down"? Yet both aggy and okies want to claim it as their own.
  18. You forgot increased exposure from Disney/ABC/ESPN's media hype train. Look what it did for aggy
  19. Wasn't it Bear Bryant himself (and I'm paraphrasing from Junction Boys) who told the A&M admin, "...to keep the toy soldiers away from my football players."
  20. How much more will Big 12 teams make vs ACC? $2-3MM per year? Yeah, the ACC should bump their conference slate to 9 games for ESPN to match the Big 12 pay-outs. That should've happened yesterday. This still puts ACC teams, what, $20MM behind SEC/B1G teams annually?
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