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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 7 minutes ago, Horn Draoi said:

    I sort of hate to send up the @RandolphDuke bat signal, but can this be true?  LSU athletics “gives back” $10,000,000 to the academic side each year?

    nobody cares bfd GIF

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  2. 2 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    Yes. The only way to save face is to tell everyone you got pumped by Mack.  I think it made us look like pussies.   If hicks wanted to save face he would’ve said it never happened. 

    I'm still trying to figure out why Mack needed to "approve" his replacement or anything else for that matter. Fuck him

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  3. Quote

    Officers reported that Scott was very intoxicated, and arrest documents said Scott had “extremely slurred speech, altered gait and a very strong smell of alcohol on his breath,” while an officer was interviewing him.

    This probably describes 90k coonasses in Death Valley that night, too, and Ogre most days by 11 AM. But, the slurred speech part is harder to tell.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    why focus in on those band dorks for most of the video when you have the song girls poontangin' around on the opposite side of the stage. Whoever filmed that needs a kick to the nuts. 

    Well, it is LA.....NTTAWWT


  5. 3 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    oh absolutely.  i'm just saying that Lincoln was always going to be compared to Bud Wilkinson, Barry, and Stoops among the OU faithful.  and for those folks, they only care about crystal balls (or whatever fucking trophy they give for national titles these days).

    Golden dongs or whatever this phallic symbol is supposed to be


  6. 1 minute ago, Sbbruin said:

    Interesting post from an Alabama fan on the OU board about Riley:

    Bama fan here. the insider of insider on our board. Had some thoughts about LR leaving the sooners from his sources at OU.. This dude is legit and does not put out any fake info at all.. So here it is. He says that his sources at OU are not terriblely upset with LR leaving because LR has been running a week program. His players were running a little wild getting arrested and failing drug test but as been kept quite for the most part, Every program has this but his source this was going on well above normal... LR players are soft and LR is soft, recruits a bunch of soft players from Cali and they stay soft in his program. The PTB at OU wanted some changes to the S/C program and wanted the DL coach gone. LR would not replace them... Also said LR is going to the perfect place for him because he is soft and the culture out their is soft.... I guess we all will see who's right.. I was wrong about him going to LSU but it seems LSU got played big time and they were the misdirection play for all of this. one more thing our source said he felt bad for you guys but does not anymore maybe you and LSU are getting off easy....

    Bammer has a week spell-checker. No doubt, most okie transgressions are kept quite.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:


    She's a real sunshine-pumper thinking UT isn't a better job than those 4. Yes, Kim, I'm relieved we secured Sark last offseason for his stellar 5-7 performance. Derp

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